Social status

Social status #

Social status

As the name of the game implies, all events in the project are connected with characters (clones). They are the ones who work at enterprises, build various objects, participate in tournaments and battles, extract resources and thus earn gold for you - the game currency.

An important characteristic of game characters is their social status. There are eight such statuses. Thanks to a convenient table, you can see statistics: how many characters in a particular status are there in the game at the moment

Social layers of the population

The newly created clone has the lowest social status - a tramp. This level is essentially introductory: a tramp is very limited in game actions. As the character’s social status increases, wider gaming opportunities will be available to him.

The first three statuses after the tramp can be obtained by studying special disciplines at the public school for a reasonable fee. Higher statuses will require other conditions to be met. And to become an emperor, you will need to go through a long and difficult path. You can read about this in the following subsections.

By increasing their social status, clones receive more and more gaming opportunities:

  • New positions are opening up at enterprises.
  • New military ranks and education become available.
  • Opportunities for animal ownership are expanding.
  • The number of fields available for cultivation is increasing.
  • It becomes possible to obtain new education and military ranks.
  • New construction opportunities are emerging.


Thus, each new, higher status expands the boundaries of your game. Create characters, increase their social status and plunge completely into the world of clones! It’s not only fun and useful for developing strategic thinking and other skills, but also profitable!