Agricultural cycle

Agricultural cycle #

This section describes the stages of agricultural activity in the order they occur, forming the agricultural cycle in the Golden Clone. The listed actions in the current stage must be performed to move on to the next stage. Some steps in the stage are mandatory, some are not.

Stages of agriculture #

Fertilizer #

The maximum volume of agricultural production is achieved by increasing soil fertility. Fertilizer application is an important (albeit optional) step in farming. Agricultural crops will grow without fertilizer, but the yield will be smaller. An experienced entrepreneur will always find a middle ground. With proper planning, you can benefit from both use of fertilizers and absence of them.

Fertilizing the soil in the land of clones is possible in two ways:

  • Manual application of specially prepared fertilizers to the field.
  • Peacocks grazing on a field.

These two methods are complementary and can be used both together and separately. When used simultaneously during one agricultural cycle, their effect is cumulative. The order of execution does not matter - you can first fertilize the field manually and then start grazing peacocks, or do the opposite.

In the Manure and Fertilizers section (Business → Livestock → Manure and Fertilizers), you can make fertilizers yourself from the manure produced by your livestock and poultry, or purchase it from other players at the fair.

The period of manual fertilization with the maximum possible fertilization of the plot (100%) takes 5 days (120 hours). The time spent is proportionally reduced depending on the amount of fertilizer applied (you can fertilize the field with less fertilizer).

The duration of peacocks grazing on a field is 2 days (48 hours).

A few important points to consider when fertilizing land plots:

  • Fertilizer application (both methods) can only be carried out before the start of the sowing stage.
  • Fertilizer is applied first to those areas accessible for cultivation to which the irrigation system is attached, and then to all the others.
  • The duration of the manual fertilization stage of the field(s) can be reduced by hiring servants.
  • The duration of the peacock(s) herding stage cannot be shortened by hiring servants.
  • During the fertilization stage, the clone spends 1 unit of stamina per day on each field it fertilizes, even if the work was not carried out for a full day.
  • Working during the peacock(s) herding stage does not require stamina.
  • If you release your clone from working in the field during manual fertilization or grazing of peacocks, then such a plot will immediately go into a state of “black fallow”, and the applied fertilizers will disappear.
  • Fertilizing the soil with livestock fertilizers is done every other agricultural cycle, i.e. if you fertilize a field in the current cycle, you will not be able to fertilize the field in the next cycle. Peacocks can be grazed every cycle.

Sowing #

The next stage is sowing seeds on the field. Sowing can be done both on fertilized fields and on fields without fertilizer. This is a mandatory stage of the agricultural cycle, which lasts 2 days (48 hours).

To plant plots of land, you must purchase crop seeds from the biotechnology department at the state farm. One bag of seeds is enough to sow one plot of land with the appropriate crop.

Table. Seeds cost

Type of cultureCost of seeds, gold
Lucerne seedsLucerne0.02
Oat seedsOats0.1
Turnip seedsTurnips0.02
Fodder beet seedsFodder beet0.1
Swede seedsSwede0.1
Tomato seedsTomatoes0.1
Potato seedsPotato0.1
Cabbage seedsCabbage0.1
Eggplant seedsEggplant0.1
Onion seedsOnion0.1
Flax seedsFlax0.1
LiliesAny kind of flowersFor free

The sowing process is carried out in the following order: first, the fields fertilized in the current agricultural season are sown, then those that cannot be fertilized in the current season (fertilized last season), and finally all remaining fields. The presence of an irrigation system on a field increases the priority of sowing on this field in each of the listed categories.

A few important points to note when sowing on land plots:

  • The duration of the sowing stage can be shortened by hiring servants.
  • Working at the sowing stage costs 1 stamina per day for your clone on each field it sows (for each day of work, even if the work was not done for a full day).
  • If you release your clone from working in the field during the sowing process, then such a plot will immediately go into a state of “black fallow”, and the applied seeds (and fertilizers) will be lost.

Crop growth and ripening #

Immediately after sowing is completed, the ripening period will automatically begin. This period lasts 15 days (360 hours).

The speed of crop ripening can be increased, thereby shortening the ripening period. If several conditions are present, the corresponding speed increases are summed up:

  • The speed of crop ripening in all fields located in the territory of the principality or metropolis in which the Great Ear of Spike miracle is built increases by 5% relative to the initial speed. If the miracle is present in both the principality and the metropolis, the ripening speed will increase by 10% relative to the initial speed.
  • The speed of crop ripening in all fields located on the territory of the principality in which the megalithic structure “Aqueduct” is built increases by 5% relative to the initial. If the field has an irrigation system attached to it, the ripening speed increases by 10% relative to the initial.
  • The Power System built in the Principality affects the ripening speed of agricultural products. In all fields located on the territory of the Principality where this wonder is built, the ripening time of the crop is reduced by 10%. This contributes to faster harvesting and increased land productivity.
  • The Energy System built in the settlement affects the ripening speed of agricultural products. In all fields located on the territory of the settlement where this wonder is built, the ripening time of the crop is reduced by 5%. This contributes to a faster harvest and an increase in land productivity. If the wonder is present in both the principality and the settlement, the ripening speed will increase by 15% compared to the initial one.

A few important points to consider during the ripening process:

  • The duration of the growth and maturation stage cannot be shortened by hiring servants.
  • Work at this stage does not require stamina.
  • If you release your clone from working in the field during the ripening of the crop, then such a plot will immediately go into a state of “black fallow”, and the applied seeds (and fertilizers) will be lost.

Harvesting #

Once the crop is ripe, the plot of land goes to the stage of waiting for harvesting to start. Before harvesting, an agricultural tax must be paid for each field in which the crop has ripened. Until the tax is paid, the crops will remain on the fields, awaiting harvesting, but will not be lost. Your clones working on these fields do not spend stamina while waiting for the tax to be paid.

Harvesting lasts 3 days (72 hours).

The amount of crop harvested from a plot of land also depends on fertilizers.

Several important points to consider when harvesting from plots of land:

  • The duration of the harvesting phase can be shortened by hiring servants.
  • Working in the harvesting phase requires the clone to spend 1 stamina per day on each field where it harvests (for each day of work, even if the day was not a full one).
  • If you release your clone from working in the field while waiting for the harvest or during the harvest, then such a plot will immediately go into a state of “black fallow”, and the applied seeds (and fertilizers) will be lost. Tax already paid is not refundable.

Upon completion harvesting, the clone working on the field is automatically released from work on this plot, the harvested crop goes to the inventory of this clone, and the land goes to “under fallow” state.

Black fallow #

Farmlands need periodic rest to protect against depletion. This period of complete rest of the land is called “black fallow”. Black steam preserves moisture in the soil, enriches it with nutrients (primarily nitrogen) and cleanses the soil of weeds, pathogens and pests. On clone land, the period of “under falllow” lasts 15 days (360 hours). The plots switch to the “black fallow” state automatically as soon as the “Harvesting” stage is completed. In this case, the clones workng on these plots are automatically released from work.

Also, all plots of land where you manually remove clones from working at any other stages of the agricultural cycle go into the “under fallow” state.

The duration of the “black fallow” period can be reduced in the following ways (the effect of all methods is cumulative):

  • The presence of the “Giant Sunflower” wonder in a principality reduces the duration of the “black fallow” period on all land plots in that principality by 3 days.
  • The presence of the “Queen of the Night” miracle in a principality reduces the duration of the “black fallow” period on all land plots in that principality by 2 days.
  • The presence of the megalithic structure “Aqueduct” in the principality reduces the duration of the “black fallow” period on all areas of land in this principality by 2 days.
  • The fields on the territory of the principality with the constructed megalithic structure “Great Warrior Complex” are in a state of black fallow for 1 day less.
  • Applying “Living Earth” elixirs to a field reduces the duration of the “black fallow” period on that field to 5 days.

Agricultural tax #

The amount of tax depends on the type of crop grown.

Table. Harvest tax

Type of cultureTax, gold
Fodder beetFodder beet0.3
LiliesAny kind of flowersFor free

The harvest tax you pay goes to the state budget. From these revenues the state makes payments to the following funds:

  • 20% - to the fund of the owners of the miracles “Giant Sunflower”.
  • 10% - to the fund of owners of miracles “Great Ear”.
  • 30% - to the dividend fund on state farm securities.
  • 10% - to the owner of the settlement on whose territory the harvest was collected.
  • 5% - to the prince on whose territory the harvest was collected.
  • 5% - to the fund of the megacities of this principality.
  • 9% - to the university employee bonus fund.
  • 1% goes to the charity fund.

Elixir “Living Earth” #

A single use of the “Living Earth” elixir reduces the duration of the “under fallow” period on a given piece of land by 1 day (24 hours). The same area can be treated with the elixir no more than 5 times in one agricultural season. Thus, the maximum reduction of “under fallow” period using the elixir is 5 days (120 hours).

The elixir can be applied to the area by clicking on the tab for fields that are under fallow. Enter the amount of elixir that you want to use for all the listed fields in the appearing menu. Elixirs affect all your plots of land in the “under fallow” state sequentially, 1 elixir per field, starting with those that were in this state the least. If you have entered more elixirs than there are fields in the “under fallow” state, then the remaining elixirs will be distributed to the same fields again, following the same rule. The maximum number of elixirs that can be applied to the same plot of land in one season is 5.

Elixir “Living Land” can be made in the alchemy laboratory or purchased at the fair.

Farming infographics #

For convenience, our specialists have developed a graphical comprehensive diagram that clearly demonstrates one agricultural cycle in the land of clones.

Agricultural cycle

Game model of agriculture