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Answers to requently asked questions #

Answers to requently asked questions

Question: Should I build some kind of building to purchase cattle for my clones?

Answer: No, not necessarily. But if you plan to seriously engage in livestock farming, then we recommend building a cowshed. This will give you advantages when breeding livestock, increases the weight of a newborn calf and makes keeping animals more convenient.

Question: Let’s say I have a clone with the status of “bourgeois”. This clone already has 10 cows and bulls. The clone’s cow gave birth to a bull calf. But the clone already has a maximum of animals. What will happen to this “extra” bull?

Answer: This clone will not be able to keep such an “extra” bull. If there is another clone in your account that can accept an “extra” bull, such a bull will be transferred to him automatically. If you have no more clones, or if all of your clones already have the maximum number of cattle, then that bull will automatically go to the State Farm nursery, and you will be awarded State Farm coupons according to standard rules.

Question: What if this “extra” animal is not a bull, but a heifer?

Answer: If there is another clone on your account that can accept an “extra” heifer, such a calf will be transferred to him. If you have no more clones or if all your clones already have the maximum number of cattle, such a heifer will be transferred to the state free of charge.

Question: Is there a limit to the cow/bull ratio within a clone’s total cattle count?

Answer: No, there are no such restrictions. For example, a bourgeois may have 10 cows or 10 bulls. The cow/bull ratio does not matter.

Question: Am I required to build a cowshed when my herd grows to a certain size?

Answer: No, it is not necessary.

Question: Is there a limit on how much fertilizer from cow manure can be produced per day in the biotechnology department?

Answer: No, there are no such restrictions. You can produce as much Cow Breeze fertilizer as you want at one time or in one day.

Question: Is there a limit on the number of cow carcasses processed by a meat factory per day?

Answer: No, there are no such restrictions. You can process as many carcasses as you like at one time or in one day.

Question: Should I build some kind of building to conduct cattle mating?

Answer: No, this is not necessary if you rent a bull at the bull fair. But if you plan to seriously engage in livestock farming, then we recommend building a cowshed. This building provides you with significant advantages when raising livestock, increases the weight of the offspring and makes keeping animals more convenient.

Question: I have a cow. She became pregnant at 400 days of age. What will happen to the offspring, since the calf should be born when the cow is more than 420 days old?

Answer: Do not worry. A cow cannot mate after 420 days. But she can bear offspring from earlier mating. Her pregnancy will proceed as usual and the calf will be born on time.

Question: How can I know in advance which clone of my account an animal born over the limit will be transferred to?

Answer: The future host clone to whom the animal will be transferred is randomly selected from all eligible clones on your account. His name is not known in advance. After the calf is born, you will have to find it manually.

Question: Can solar plates only be produced in an alchemy laboratory?

Answer: No, not only. You can also buy ready-made solar plates from the Trade Guild Commodity Exchange.

Question: What happens if, when building a cowshed, I have more cattle than it can accommodate?

Answer: It is quite logical that in this situation not all of your animals will be able to get into the cowshed. You cannot choose which of your animals will go into the barn and which will remain in their owners’ barnyards. Accordingly, those of your animals that are not in the cowshed will not benefit from its presence. That is, they will not be able to mate outside the Bull Fair, their offspring will not weigh more than usual, they will not be able to feed from the cowshed feeder, and so on.

Question: Why is an additional bonus not awarded at the third level of superfeed consumption?

Answer: There is no additional bonus for the third level of superfeed consumption.

Question: What are the maximum bonus values for each superfeed consumption level?

Answer: Provided that the animal is continuously fed at each level of superfeed consumption, the maximum bonus values (per kg of superfeed) can reach:

  • for Level 1: 1.5% + 0.1% x 5 = 2%;
  • for the second level: 1% + 0.1% x 5 = 1.5%;
  • for the third level, the bonus will always be 0.5% for each kg of superfeed.

Question: What is the maximum bonus I can get from feeding animals Superfood?

Answer: If you feed the animal the maximum amount of super food (25 kg every day) for 6 days in a row and beyond, you will reach the maximum total bonus value: (1.5% + 0.1 x 5) x 10 + (1% + 0.1% x5) x 10 + 0.5% x 5 = 37.5%.