
Pig products #

Pigs produce several types of useful products, and can also act as a commodity themselves, bringing you gold coins.

Possible sources of income from pig farming:

  • pork production;
  • bacon production;
  • obtaining manure;
  • birth of piglets;
  • exchange of young boars for state farm coupons;
  • renting out breeding boars for gold coins;
  • selling pigs at the fair;
  • prizes for sport achievements of boars.

Products depend on the pigs’ age . Let us consider in detail all types of products and income.

Pork production #

The amount of pork that can be obtained from cutting each specific animal depends on its age and weight.

If the animal’s age is up to 100 days (inclusive), then the weight of the pork obtained as a result of processing will be equal to half the weight of the carcass. For animals between 101 and 350 days old, you will receive a proportionally smaller amount of meat (down to 0 kg at day 350).

The amount of pork obtained when cutting an animal over 100 days old is calculated by the formula:

\(W = (m/2) • (350-A) / 250,\)

The following variables are used in the above formula:

\(m\)weight of the animal at the time of cutting;
\(A\)age of the animal in days (100 < A < 350).

Pork usage:

  • as food for clones in the refectory (source of stamina);
  • for equipping pleasure boats;
  • as dog food;
  • as food for dragons;
  • for making elixirs;
  • for sale on the commodity exchange.

Bacon production #

To get bacon, you need to hand over your livestock to the meat factory. Livestock of any gender and weight can be donated. However, to produce bacon, the pig must be between 101 and 350 days old, inclusive. Processing one animal carcass at the meat factory costs 2 gold coins. When cutting an animal, it is also possible to obtain pork.

The amount of bacon that can be obtained from each specific animal depends on its age and weight.

If the animal is up to 100 days old inclusive, then you will not receive bacon, only pork. For animals 101 to 350 days old inclusive, the amount of bacon produced increases proportionally, starting at 0 kg on day 100 and reaching half the animal’s carcass weight on day 350.

The amount of bacon obtained when cutting an animal over 100 days old is calculated by the formula:

\(W = (m/2) • (A-100) / 250,\)

The following variables are used in the above formula:

\(m\)weight of the animal at the time of cutting;
\(A\)age of the animal in days (100 < A < 350).

Use of bacon:

  • as food for clones in the refectory (source of stamina);
  • for equipping pleasure boats;
  • for sale on the commodity exchange.

Pig manure production #

Pig manure is produced by animals of any gender, age and weight.

The amount of manure produced by any given animal depends on its age. In each age group of pigs, manure production has its own characteristics.

Table. Pig manure production depending on age group

Age, daysManure, kg/day
1-300.1 → 8
351-3808 → 0.1

The indicated volumes of manure are achieved with optimal feeding. With an incomplete diet, manure production is proportionally reduced. During fasting, no manure is produced. Pig manure is a valuable raw material for the production of Pork Breeze fertilizer. Manure processing is carried out in the “Manure and Fertilizers” section (“Livestock” → “Manure and Fertilizers”). The resulting fertilizer can be used on agricultural fields (see section “Agriculture”).

To get 1 kg of Pig Breeze fertilizer, you need to use:

  • 4 kg of pig manure;
  • 0.002 gold coin.

Posessing a pigsty has a significant impact on the cost of processing pig manure into the Pig Breeze fertilizer.

If for some reason you don’t want to process your own pig manure, you can sell it at the fair. You can also sell ready-made Pork Breeze fertilizer there.

Exchange of young boars for state farm coupons #

Boars up to 30 days old (inclusive) can be delivered to the state farm nursery. For 1 kg of weight they give 1 coupon.

Only boars can be exchanged; sows cannot be exchanged.

Use of coupons:

  • purchasing securities at auction;
  • production of super feed for cattle;
  • sale on a commodity exchange in the trade guild.