Lone thief

Lone thief #

Lone thief

While you are young and inexperienced, the only option for you is the career of a lone thief. You will be able to raid the houses of wealthy citizens.

You can take the path of a lone thief on the “Tips on Homes” page (“Business” → “Path of a Robber” → “Tips” → “Tips on Houses”).

Develop your characteristics, and later the path to a gang or bandit army will open up for you.

Tip #

Take a look at the “Tips” section - we have given you the coordinates of several wealthy homeowners.

Every hour you can receive new leads if the old ones are no longer valid. Use them to carry out raids. Have time to complete the robbery, otherwise someone else may be quicker!

You can force the list of tips to be refreshed an infinite number of times using stamina coupons. The best leads are those where the jackpot is the biggest. But the security there is usually not weak.

The same house can be robbed several times a day, depending on its level of development.

Table. Criminal authority of the thief and daily limit of robberies

Crime boss, units.Robberies per day
up to 1501
from 150 to 5002
from 500 to 15003
from 1500 to 25004
2500 and above5

Remember that you will not be able to raid your house (or a house owned by another clone from your account).

Raid #

To get started, take care of your health. If you have less than 10 health points, then it is better for you to refrain from action. Also check your stamina, because a hungry clone is not able to fight (if its stamina is less than 0).

When you go to raid a house, carry with you 50% of the amount you intend to steal. If you fail, the house guards will take these gold coins from you. If you succeed, you will be able to take the accumulated gold from the house treasury.

When raiding a house, you may encounter security. If you see a tip with a large reward, remember that the owner is probably wealthy, and he probably has serious security. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to take risks!

If the security guard does not have the “Military Initiative” characteristic at all, and the robber, on the contrary, has a well-developed “Thief’s Fortune” characteristic, then the chances of robbing a house without being noticed are very high. Therefore, do not forget to develop your characteristics, because a robbery “without noise and dust” is a minimal risk for you! Additional information about combat characteristics can be found in the “Combat characteristics” section (“Character” → “Characteristics” → “Combat characteristics”).

However, if the house is guarded by watchdogs, then it will be difficult to pass unnoticed.

Also be careful about level 50 houses (castles) - they may be guarded by dragons. In this case, the risk will be very high.

For each raid you will receive the following thief characteristics:

  • +1 thief’s luck for each attack (regardless of the result of the battle);
  • +1 criminal authority for each level of house that was successfully robbed. For example, for a house on level 1 you will receive 1 criminal authority, and for a successful robbery of a castle - as much as 50!

The battle #

If a fight breaks out, you will lose health with each attack of the guard (with an accurate hit). The damage will depend on the parameters of the weapon, the enemy’s accuracy and the protective clothing worn. The fight is a series of rounds. In one round, all participants in the battle make one attack in turn. The one with the higher “Military Initiative” characteristic goes first. For an accurate strike, the clone receives 2 points of military skills, for an inaccurate strike - 1 point. Military skills are awarded to a character only if any type of weapon is used in battle.

If there is a firearm, it starts shooting first. A robber or a guard shoots with a firearm as long as one of you remains combat-ready, and as long as there is ammunition in the ammunition supply, as well as the weapon’s durability is above 0.

If there are no firearms or ammo is exhausted, you can resort to melee weapons (or, if there is none, fists), but only after the enemy has also exhausted all ammo.

The simplest robbery is when there is no security, the loot immediately becomes yours!

You, as well as the guard, can fight as long as your health is greater than or equal to 10 units. If your health drops below 10 points before the guard’s, you will lose.

Cellars #

More detailed information about cellars can be found on the “Cellars” page (Infrastructure Construction → Real Estate → Cellars).

If you are caught, you will be placed in the cellar of the house (a cellar is available for every house with development level 3 and above). While in the cellar, you will not be able to go on activities. Also, you will not be able to remove bladed weapons or firearms.

Staying in the cellar will last two days (48 hours). However, the caught robber may offer the house owner a ransom in gold coins. If the owner of the house agrees to accept the ransom, he will immediately release the thief. The ransom amount will first be extracted from the cache, and if there are not enough funds there, the remaining portion will be debited from the game account.

Please note that the minimum amount a thief can offer as ransom is 0.0005 gold coins. You can also increase the ransom amount only by 0.0005 coins. If the redemption offer was rejected by the home owner or you reduced the ransom amount, the amount is returned to the cache. You can try again - perhaps the owner of the house was not satisfied with the amount offered.

During the period while you are in the basement, various punishments can be carried out on you. These punishments will greatly hinder subsequent fights, as the clone will receive the unpleasant combat skills “Whipping Wounds”, “Spirit of Dung” and “Chicken”. Each punishment will last for one battle. If several identical punishments were applied to you, the number of such fights will be increased proportionally. Also, each punishment will reduce your criminal authority by 10 units.

The number of possible punishments for each thief (during the current stay in the cellar) is calculated using the following formula:

\(N = 20K\)

The following variables are used in the above formula:

\(K\)the size of the house’s treasury at the time the thief was caught

For example, if the house treasury is 1 gold coin, then the possible number of punishments will be: N = 1 / 0.05 = 20 times. If the house treasury is less than 0.05 gold, the owner cannot punish the caught thief. The thief will be in the cellar for two days or until he is released for a ransom.

Any combination of punishments can be applied to a single thief, and the same punishment can be used multiple times.

If a caught robber offers a ransom, but the owner of the house, instead of freeing you, decides to punish you, then the offered ransom amount is returned in full to the cache.

The gang, having learned about the unsuccessful robbery, tries to help their member, covering up his participation in government and other jobs. This means that a caught bandit does not receive reprimands at the enterprises where he works.

Once your time in the cellar has expired, you will be released within a few minutes.

From each loot obtained during a robbery, it is necessary to transfer 10% to the Old Rat fund, such are the rules of the bandits. A robber must always put an additional 10% of the loot in his hiding place (these funds are used to pay for the ransom from cellars). The remaining 80% of the loot belongs to you and immediately goes to your game account.