Summary of raids

Summary of raids #

Summary of raids

All information about criminal attacks in the world of clone land is available in the general raid report. This summary allows you to see the details of all criminal events. Don’t forget to learn from the experiences of others, as it can be very helpful.

You can view the battles on the “Raid Summary” page (“Business” → “Robber’s Path” → “Raid Summary”).

It is also worth paying attention to the criminal summary for the principalities. This information will show residents of which principalities are defending their homes. If a principality has a high crime rate, it may indicate weak security, which creates the opportunity for successful robberies. On the other hand, a low number of successful robberies may indicate active and effective security, and you should consider the risks before attacking.

The following five sections are available in the raid summary:

  • house raids;
  • settlements raids;
  • troops battles;
  • your raids;
  • criminal summary for the principalities.