Combat characteristics #
When your clone participates in tournaments or battles, trains on the arena, or is just a part of a princely squad or bandit army, he is assigned various characteristics. Military characteristics include military skills and military initiative, and thieves’ characteristics include criminal authority and thieves’ luck. Military skills are awarded to a character only if any type of weapon is used in battle.
Description of combat characteristics #
The value of a clone’s own military skills (basic skills) cannot be higher than 1,000,000 units. But there is a trick - you can temporarily increase the amount of military skills beyond this value through the use of jewelry, magical artifacts, and the “intention” characteristic. Guards of houses and settlements also have bonuses if the house/settlement has a defense system.
Clones who participated in battles with our common enemy, General Webman, and who proved themselves, are awarded insignias that increase military skills based on the results of military campaigns.
For clones with military ranks, during battle the value of military skills increases by a factor depending on the rank.
Military skills #
Affects the accuracy of a shot/strike with a cold steel weapon (compared with the enemy)
It can be upgraded in any battles, including tournaments and fights between guards and bandits. The exception is duels between clones. In this type of battle, combat characteristics are not awarded. You can increase your level by drinking kvass, as well as for gold coins by attending training on the princely arena and the Great Warrior Complex. It temporarily increases through the use of artifacts and jewelry accessories.
Please note that the value of a clone’s own military skills (basic skills) cannot be higher than 1,000,000 units. But a clone can temporarily have more military skills than this value through the use of jewelry, magical artifacts, and the “Intent” characteristic. Battle rewards do not increase military skills over 1 million units.
The accuracy of the shot/strike is determined by the ratio of the amount of military skills on both sides of the fight. However, there is no 100% chance! Even with great weapons and more military skills than your opponent, you can still miss, so don’t get complacent.
Military initiative #
Used to select the firing order.
It can be upgraded in any battles, including tournaments and fights between guards and bandits. Awarded for service in a bandit army or a princely squad. You can increase it by using the drink “kvass”, as well as for gold coins by visiting the Baths. It temporarily increases through the use of artifacts and jewelry accessories.
Criminal authority #
Affects parameters such as:
- number of daily attacks;
- the opportunity to join a bandit army or a gang;
- the ability to create a bandit army or a gang;
- pumping in the temple complex and thermal baths;
- some combat skills.
Awarded for service in a bandit army and criminal activity - participation in successful attacks on houses and settlements. The number of authority units earned depends on the level of the robbed house/settlement. Is temporarily increased by using jewelry accessories.
Thief’s luck #
Determines the chance of a robbery without noise and dust (without fighting and shots).
Awarded for criminal activity - participation in successful attacks on houses and settlements, service in a bandit army. Is temporarily increased by using jewelry accessories.