Teaching characteristics

Teaching characteristics #

Teaching characteristics

Clones possessing prudence can get a job at the University. Employment at the University is carried out in the “University” section (“Work” → “State enterprises” → “University”). In addition to regular work for a salary, it is possible to additionally teach prudence or certain special skills, for example, jewelry making or geology.

To teach Rigging Practice, it is not necessary to get a job at the University. If your Rigging Practice level is 100 or higher, your name will automatically appear on the list of teachers for this discipline.

Teachers can set the cost of their “academic hour” in the range from 0.2 gold coins to 0.9999 gold coins in the “Rates” section (“Work” → “State Enterprises” → “University” → “Rates”). The default cost for an academic hour is 1 gold coin.

Payment for tuition (minus state fees) is credited to the teacher’s game account immediately after the student pays for tuition.

Each teacher pays a state fee of 0.15 gold coins for each academic hour sold.

The state pays from its income from the duty for teaching prudence:

  • 0.005 gold coin to the charity fund.
  • 0.065 gold coins to the University Prize Fund.

When the fee for training rigging practice is paid, the state sends 0.005 gold coins from this income item to the Charity Fund.

The higher the teacher’s “Prudence” score, the higher the position he occupies in the list of teachers. The list of Rigging Practice teachers is formed in the same way.

The number of academic hours of a teacher and, accordingly, units of characteristics that a teacher can transfer to his students per day is calculated by the formula:

\(H = P/50 - 1\)

The following variables are used in the above formula:

\(H\)number of academic hours of prudence teaching and/or rigging practice per day;
\(P\)the value of the teacher’s characteristics of prudence and/or rigging practice.

A “rigging practice” teacher cannot work more than 24 hours a day.