Table of ranks

Table of ranks #

Table of ranks

There are 4 different corps in the game in which clones can serve:

  • Infantry Corps (infantry).
  • Cavalry Corps.
  • Artillery Corps.
  • Navigation Corps (fleet).

When your clone serves in one of these corps, he is available for promotions and work in various government positions, depending on his current rank.

Infantry #

To receive a military rank, it is required to have a certain amount of military skills and pay a state fee.

Table. Conditions for obtaining ranks in the infantry corps

RankMinimum statusPosessing military skillsCost, gold
Infantry Second Lieutenantpeasant203
Infantry Lieutenantpeasant404
Infantry Staff Captainpeasant805
Infantry Captainbourgeois16010
Infantry Lieutenant Colonelbourgeois32015
Infantry Colonelmerchant64020
Infantry Major Generalmerchant128030
Infantry Lieutenant Generalmerchant256050
General of Infantrymerchant512070
Infantry Field Marshalnobleman10,240100

If a character has served in the previous rank for more than 30 days, then the military skills necessary to obtain a new rank is not deducted from the character. Otherwise, 50% of the military skills that is necessary to increase the rank will be written off from him.

Cavalry #

Table. Conditions for obtaining ranks in the cavalry corps

RankMinimum statusPosessing military skillsCost, gold
Cavalry Lieutenantpeasant404
Cavalry Staff Captainpeasant805
Cavalry Captainbourgeois16010
Cavalry Lieutenant Colonelbourgeois32015
Cavalry Colonelmerchant64020
Cavalry Major Generalmerchant128030
Lieutenant General of Cavalrymerchant256050
Cavalry Generalmerchant512070
Cavalry Field Marshalnobleman10,240100

If a character has served in the previous rank for more than 30 days, then the military skills necessary to obtain a new rank is not deducted from the character. Otherwise, 50% of the military skills that is necessary to increase the rank will be written off from him.

Artillery #

Table. Conditions for obtaining ranks in the Artillery Corps

RankMinimum statusPosessing military skillsCost, gold
Artillery Second Lieutenantpeasant203
Artillery Lieutenantpeasant404
Staff Captainpeasant805
Artillery Captainbourgeois16010
Artillery Lieutenant Colonelbourgeois32015
Artillery Colonelmerchant64020
Artillery Major Generalmerchant128030
Artillery Lieutenant Generalmerchant256050
Artillery Generalmerchant512070
Artillery Field Marshalnobleman10,240100

If a character has served in the previous rank for more than 30 days, then the military skills necessary to obtain a new rank is not deducted from the character. Otherwise, 50% of the military skills that is necessary to increase the rank will be written off from him.

Table. Conditions for obtaining ranks in the Navigation Corps

RankMinimum statusPosessing military skillsCost, gold
Non-Commissioned Lieutenantpeasant203
Lieutenant Captainpeasant805
Captain III rankbourgeois16010
Captain II rankbourgeois32015
Captain I rankmerchant64020
Rear Admiralmerchant128030
Vice Admiralmerchant256050
Fleet Admiralnobleman10,240100

If a character has served in the previous rank for more than 30 days, then the military skills necessary to obtain a new rank is not deducted from the character. Otherwise, 50% of the military skills that is necessary to increase the rank will be written off from him.

Benefits for military ranks #

The state pays daily benefits to all clones who have military ranks.

A total of 4 funds are being formed, each of which corresponds to a specific corpus. These four funds have 2 sources of filling.

The first source of filling the fund:

  • 5% of the securities auction income.
  • 14% of the gun shop’s income.

This amount is divided into 4 equal shares and goes to the fund of each corps.

The second source of filling the fund:

  • 15% of the gold coins spent on obtaining ranks in the infantry corps go to the infantry rank fund.
  • 15% of the gold coins spent on obtaining ranks in the Cavalry Corps go to the Cavalry Ranks Fund.
  • 15% of the gold coins spent on obtaining ranks in the artillery corps go to the artillery rank fund.
  • 15% of the gold coins spent on obtaining ranks in the navigation corps go to the navy rank fund.

Each of these funds is taken as 100% and divided by all ranks in the corps.

Table. Share from the benefit fund, depending on rank

RankShare from fund (%)
Second Lieutenant / Cornet / Non-Commissioned Lieutenant10
Staff Captain / Staff Captain / Lieutenant Commander10
Captain / 3rd Rank Captain10
Lieutenant Colonel/2nd rank Captain10
Colonel/1st Rank Captain10
Major General / Rear Admiral10
Lieutenant General/Vice Admiral10
Field Marshal/Admiral of the Fleet10

Each share of the fund is divided equally among all clones who have the appropriate rank. These subsidies are paid daily and can be an important source of income for clones pursuing military careers.