
Chancellor #


Conditions for obtaining status #

To obtain the status of “chancellor”, a nobleman must make a charitable contribution to the development of the state in the amount of 1,500 gold coins.

Status options #

The only position in state enterprises that can only be filled by a clone with the status of “chancellor” was unavailable to you: the manager of the Chancellery.

During the hunt, the clone in the “chancellor” status can obtain gifts from the moose.

A clone with the status of “chancellor” has the ability to open a private bank. Your own bank, with which you can deposit your game account and turn game money into real money!

And of course agriculture. If the clone in the status of “Nobleman” had excellent production capabilities, then in the status of “Chancellor” you are simply a wizard! In addition to a chicken coop for 100 heads, you can:

  • grow crops and simultaneously cultivate 240 plots of land;
  • keep cattle, maximum 400 animals;
  • keep pigs, maximum 400 animals.