
Emperor #


Emperor - the word itself speaks of the greatness and exclusivity of this status!

Conditions for obtaining status #

To obtain the status of “emperor” you must have the social status of “king” and pay 500 gold coins to the state chancery. In addition, the clone must build the following buildings in his principality:

Once all the conditions are met, on the “Social Status” page (“Character” → “Social Status”) you can ask for the increase in social status.

Status options #

A clone with the status of “emperor” has access to all the activities that are subject to the “king”. A clone with the status of “emperor” can engage in agriculture in his free time from managing his estate:

  • Keep cattle, maximum 1000 animals.
  • Keep pigs, maximum 1000 animals.
  • To cultivate 400 plots of land near the house at the same time and grow agricultural crops on them.

Additional payments #

All clones that have reached the status of “emperor” have several additional sources of income:

  • 70 gold coins are paid daily into the Emperors’ fund and then divided equally among all Emperors.
  • Daily payment from the Imperial House fund.

Additional features #

All clones that have reached the status of “emperor” have a number of advantages over clones with the status of “king”: