Dragon Tournaments #
In the clone world there are several types of tournaments for dragon riders, which have their own rules and funds.
Submitting an application and participating in the Dragon’s Breath tournament #
The Dragon’s Breath tournament is held among dragon riders and their winged pets continuously throughout a day.
Registration in each league lasts 10 minutes. If during this time the league does not have at least 16 participants, it will be extended for another 10 minutes. Once the participants are recruited, the league tournament begins. Anyone who meets the league requirements can register to participate in the tournament. The cost of participation in the tournament depends on the selected league.
To participate in the tournament, there is no need to quit your job in security, squad or other places.
Until the tournament has started, you can cancel your application at any time and receive a refund of your deposit.
You can set up automatic participation in the league so you don’t miss the moment of registration. Be careful about the dragon’s characteristics. If it no longer meets the league requirements, it will not automatically participate in the tournament. In this case, you will have to choose another league. You will need to choose another league.
Funds received as tournament participation fees in each league are distributed by the state as follows:
- 75% - makes up the league’s prize fund.
- 12.5% goes to the tournament fund.
- 12.5% goes to state income.
Submitting an application and participating in the Fire and Claw tournament #
The “Fire and Claw” tournament is held by the administration among dragon riders and their winged pets. The start of the next tournament is announced in the game news. Anyone who meets the league requirements can register to participate in the tournament.
Registration begins 24 hours before the start of the tournament. Participation is free.
To participate in the tournament, there is no need to quit your job in security, squad or other places.
Until the tournament has started, you can cancel your application for participation at any time.
You can set up automatic participation in the league so you don’t miss the moment of registration. Be careful about the dragon’s characteristics. If it no longer meets the league requirements, it will not automatically participate in the tournament. In this case, you will have to choose another league. You will need to choose another league.
The tournament prize fund is determined by the state and may vary.
To start the tournament, at least 16 participants must bs registered in the league. If a tournament does not take place, its prize pool is transferred to the next tournament.
Leagues #
The Dragon’s Breath and Fire and Claw tournaments are divided into 10 leagues.
You can choose to participate in only one league that matches your dragon’s characteristics. In the next tournament, you will be able to choose another league suitable for the dragon, or participate in the same league again. Tournaments for all leagues start independently of each other.
Table. Prize pool distribution in dragon tournaments
Prize-winning place | Prize fund share (%) |
1 | 45 |
2 | 30 |
3 | 18 |
4 | 7 |
Tournament rules #
A league tournament begins when at least 16 fighters are registered in it.
If a clone is registered in the tournament, then it will participate automatically; you do not need to be at the computer at this time. The main thing is to take care of food for the dragon and health elixirs in advance. A hungry dragon cannot take part in the tournament, just like a hungry rider.
The results of the tournament will be available immediately after its end. The results of the past tournament are stored until registration for the next tournament begins.
Tournament order:
- Qualifying fights. By drawing lots, the league fighters are divided into pairs and get into the tournament table. Fights are held and the losers are eliminated from the tournament. The fights continue until there are 16 fighters left - they advance to the 1/8 finals.
- 1/8 finals - final. The fighters are placed in the standings and fights are held. As they approach the finals the losers are eliminated . In the final, only one dragon wins.
- Awarding of the winners (4 prize places) and end of the tournament.
Participant equipment #
A clone can take protective leather clothing with him to the tournament. It will reduce the damage taken by the rider, according to the rules for reduction from dragon fire. Melee weapons and firearms are not used in this tournament.
In addition, the following applies:
- “Health Elixirs” for the rider.
- “Health Elixirs” and “Fire Charge” elixirs for the dragon.
The battle #
Tournament battles are held according to the rules of air combat between riders and their dragons.
A hungry clone will not be able to participate in battle. If his stamina is below 0, then he is not allowed to participate in the tournament. The dragon must be well-fed.
All due characteristics are awarded according to standard rules during the tournament.
Experienced doctors and veterinarians are on duty at the fighting arena.
To maintain dragon health, veterinarians are willing to treat dragons for free at +20% of their maximum possible health, but not higher than 30%. In other words, if the dragon’s health has decreased, for example, to 10%, the maximum help from veterinarians will be +20%, up to 30% health. If the dragon’s health drops to 25%, then veterinarians will be able to raise it to 30%, that is, +5%.
If the dragon’s health indicators are higher than or equal to 30%, then veterinary assistance is not provided.
To restore the dragon’s health to 100%, “Health Elixirs” for dragons are used.
To maintain rider health, before each battle, doctors examine all riders and heal them up to 20 points of health (in addition to the ability to restore health when using the Health Elixir).
If you have no health left before the start of the battle and the doctors raised it to 20 units, then you will continue to participate, but your chances of winning the next battle will be few. To win, provide yourself with enough Health Elixirs and activate automatic health restoration in the refectory.
Important! During the tournament, you should use automatic healing.
Before each tournament fight, you can drink kvass to boost morale, but no more than 3 bottles. To do this, you need to set up automatic consumption of this magnificent drink in the refectory.
Dragon attacks #
The rider cannot use any types of weapons (neither melee nor firearms) in battle. The rider only controls the dragon, and the better his military skills are, the more efficient is the control.
The dragon can attack an opponent in two ways: fire or physical force. The dragon also provides additional protection to the rider, absorbing 30% of damage from enemy fire attacks and 100% of damage from physical attacks.
The dragon is not afraid of fire, so a fire attack only damages the rider’s health. This damage ranges from 20 to 70 points.
In other words, a dragon’s fire attack does not damage the enemy’s dragon, but only its rider. At the same time, the health of the enemy rider decreases.
A physical attack (a blow with the tail, paws and claws) damages the opponent’s dragon’s health and does not harm the rider.
If a dragon completely exhausts its health reserves and falls exhausted to the ground, then during this fall the rider can seriously damage his health and protective leather clothing.
The battle ends with the defeat of the side if the rider’s health drops below 10 points or the dragon’s health drops below 1000 points.
The maximum health value of a dragon is calculated using the formula:
- health = dragon strength x 1000.
If during the battle the dragon’s health decreases below this value, then every day it is restored by 10% of the maximum possible value.
The calculation of the physical attacking power of a dragon is determined by the following formulas:
- Attack Ratio = (Dragon Strength + Dragon Fury) x 0.01 + (Rider Military Knowledge / 500,000) + (Rider Military Initiative / 50,000).
- Dragon attack power = attack coefficient x dragon weight.
Obtaining black pearls #
Black pearls can be obtained as a reward for each battle won in the tournament. Here’s how many pearls you can get and the probability of getting them:
- Dragon Rider: 3 Black Pearls.
- 1st win - 100% probability.
- 2nd victory - 100% probability.
- 3rd victory - 50% probability.
Note! In order for a dragon rider to obtain black pearls, the dragon must be fed and watered with oil.
Bets on the fight winner #
Before the start of the final battles (1/8 finals - finals) in each league, within 10 minutes before the start of each battle, you can bet on one of the opponents winning. A notification about the start of accepting bets will be made in the news feed - “events”.
Bets are accepted in gold coins. Once you have placed a bet, you cannot reduce or cancel it, but you can increase it.
An unlimited number of players can bet on one fighter.
If the fighter you bet on wins, the amount of your winnings is calculated as follows:
- You get your bet amount back in full.
- 90% of the total amount of all bets by the opponents (those who bet on the losing fighter) will be divided between all winners in proportion to the amount of their bets.
- The amount received back cannot exceed the bet amount by more than 2 times (see “Example 2” below).
The remaining 10% of the amount of all opponents’ bets is distributed as follows:
- 5% goes to the state budget.
- 3% is split equally between both fighters participating in the fight.
- The winner of the fight wins 2%.
If the fighter you bet on loses, you will not lose more than the sum of all your opponents’ bets. The remaining gold coins will be returned to your game account. If bets were placed on only one fighter from a pair, they will be returned to the players.
Examples #
Example 1 #
You bet 100 gold coins on fighter “A”. 3 more players bet a total of 500 gold on fighter “A”. Only 50 gold coins were bet on fighter “B”.
If fighter “A” wins, the total winnings of all players who bet on him will be 50 gold coins. Your share of the winnings will be equal to 90% of the total amount bet on “A”, that is (90/100) x 50 = 45 gold coins. Your original stake will also be refunded, so you will end up with 145 gold coins.
If fighter “B” wins, you will lose no more than the sum of all opponents’ bets, that is, only 50 gold coins. The remaining part of your bet that was not used in a win will be returned to your game account.
Example 2 #
You bet 10 gold coins on fighter “A” and 5 other players bet on fighter “A” for a total of 100 gold coins. As much as 1,000 gold coins were bet on fighter “B”.
If fighter “A” wins, the total winnings of all players who bet on him will be 1000 gold coins. Your winnings will be 90% of the total bets on “A”, which is equal to 900 gold coins. However, your winnings are limited to your bet, which is 10 gold coins. Therefore, your winnings will be 10 gold coins. The bet placed will be returned to your game account. In total you will receive 20 gold coins.
If fighter “B” wins, you will lose only 10 gold coins. All other bets on “A” will be paid to the winners, and your unused portion of the bet will be returned to your gaming account.
Automatic bets on your fighters #
On the Automatic Bets page you can place a bet on your clone fighter. The bet will be automatically set before each of his final fights in the current tournament (if he reached the finals). After the end of the current tournament, the automatic bet settings will be reset.
If there are not enough gold coins in your game account to set a bet before the battle, then your bet will be set at 0 gold coins.