Fighting tournaments

Fighting tournaments #

Fighting tournaments

Battle tournaments in the world of clones provide players with the opportunity to develop the combat characteristics of their clones and earn hard cash. These competitions are divided into different leagues. You can participate in them to gain a variety of combat experience and rewards.

You can set up automatic participation of your clone in the league so as not to miss the moment of registering for the tournament. Be careful about your clone’s characteristics. If a clone no longer meets the league requirements, it will not be able to participate automatically. In this case, you will have to choose another league.

Participating in combat tournaments allows your clones to develop combat skills, which can be useful for later battles and combat activities.

In addition to combat experience, you can earn hard cash by participating in tournaments and winning fights.

Tournaments are divided into different leagues with various difficulty levels and requirements for clone characteristics. Choose the league that suits your clones best.

General information #

Tournaments begin only if there are at least 16 registered participants in the relevant league.

If your clone is registered in the tournament, it will participate automatically; you do not have to be at the computer at the time of the tournament. It is important to take care of equipment, ammunition and health elixirs for your clone in advance.

The results of a completed competition in the “King of Thieves” tournament are stored for two days, and for all other tournaments the results are saved until registration for the next tournament begins.

Tournaments in the world of “Golden Clone” have a certain order:

  • Qualifying fights. At the initial stage, fighters in the league are divided into pairs by drawing lots and listed into the tournament table. Then fights are held, the losers are eliminated from the tournament. This stage continues until there are 16 fighters left who advance to the 1/8 finals.
  • 1/8 finals – final. The remaining 16 fighters are placed in the standings and fights are held. As they approach the finals the losers are eliminated . The winner is determined in the final. Usually 4 prizes are awarded.

“Battle Arena”, “Golden League” and “King of Thieves” Tournament Funds #

Table. The size of funds within the “Battle Arena”, “Golden League” and “King of Thieves” tournaments, depending on the league

League No.Portion of the tournament fund (%)

Prizes in tournament leagues #

Each tournament in the world of “Golden Clone” is divided into 10 leagues and the entire prize fund is divided between them.

You can choose participation in only one league that suits your characteristics. In the next tournament, you will be able to choose another league that suits you, or participate in the same league again.

You can choose different leagues to participate in different tournaments, depending on the characteristics and training of your fighter. Let us remind you that it is important to monitor the characteristics of your clone so that it meets the requirements of the league in which you plan to participate.

Table. Fund distribution within the “Battle Arena”, “Golden League” and “King of Thieves” tournaments

Prize-winning placeShare of the league prize fund (%)

“Fight Club” Tournament #

The Fight Club tournament is intended for bandits and security guards and is held continuously throughout the day.

Registration in each league lasts 10 minutes. If during this time at least 16 participants in the league are not recruited, then registration is extended for another 10 minutes and so on. New registration begins 5 minutes after the previous tournament is over.

The cost of participation in the tournament depends on the selected league.

Anyone who meets the league requirements can participate in the tournament. When registering, if you have criminal authority units, your clone will be initiated into the tournament as a bandit, otherwise as a guard.

To participate in this tournament, you need to resign from guard, leave a gang, bandit army, prince’s squad or squad of treasure hunters. If you have your own gang or bandit army, you will have to dismiss it during the tournament.

Until the tournament has started, you can cancel your application for participation at any time and your deposit will be returned to you. During the period from the moment you submit your application until the end of the tournament or until your application is cancelled, you cannot rob houses.

During the day you can participate in the tournament in different leagues, but no more than three times.

Table. Leagues of the “Fight Club” Tournament

League No.Military skills
1up to 500
2up to 1,000
3up to 1,500
4up to 3,000
5up to 7,000
6up to 12,000
7up to 20,000
8up to 30,000
9up to 50,000
10to infinity

Table. Fight Club Tournament Fund Distribution

90League prize fund
5Tournament Fund
5State income

“Battle Arena” Tournament #

The “Battle Arena” Tournament is held three times a week - every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 18:00 GMT.

Registration for participation in the tournament begins 24 hours before the announced start time of the tournament. Participation in the tournament is free and open to anyone who meets the league requirements.

When registering, if you have criminal authority units, your clone will be initiated into the tournament as a bandit, otherwise as a guard. You do not need to leave your security job or leave other groups, such as a princely or a cache robber squad, gangs or bandit army, to participate in the tournament.

Until the tournament has started, you can cancel your application for participation at any time.

Each league must have at least 16 participants registered to start the tournament. If a league does not have enough participants and the tournament does not take place, the prize pool for that league is carried over to the next tournament and added to the new prize pool.

Table. Leagues of the Battle Arena tournament

League No.Military skills
League Iup to 500
League IIup to 1,000
League IIIup to 1,500
League IVup to 3,000
League Vup to 7,000
League VIup to 12,000
League VIIup to 20,000
League VIIIup to 30,000
League IXup to 50,000
League Xup to 100,000

“Golden League” Tournament #

The Golden League tournament is a competition of military masters in the world of clone land.

The tournament is also held three times a week - every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 18:00 GMT.

Registration for participation in the tournament begins 24 hours before the announced start time of the tournament. Participation in the tournament is also free. Anyone who meets the league requirements can take part.

When registering, if you have criminal authority units, your clone will be initiated into the tournament as a bandit, otherwise as a guard. You do not have to leave your job as a security guard or leave other groups, such as a princely or treasure-hunting squad, a gang, or a bandit army, in order to participate in the tournament.

Until the tournament has started, you can cancel your application for participation at any time.

The tournament prize fund is determined by the state and may vary depending on different factors.

Each league must have at least 16 participants registered to start the tournament. If a tournament in a league does not take place due to a lack of participants, its prize fund is transferred to the next tournament and added to the new prize fund.

Table. Leagues of the Golden League tournament

League No.Military skills
1up to 150,000
2up to 200,000
3up to 300,000
4up to 400,000
5up to 500,000
6up to 600,000
7up to 700,000
8up to 800,000
9up to 900,000
10to infinity

“King of Thieves” Tournament #

The King of Thieves Tournament is a competition held between bandits in the world of Clone Land.

The tournament is held every Sunday at 14:00 GMT.

25% of the amount accumulated in the “Old Rat” fund is allocated to the tournament fund, but not more than 100 gold coins. This fund serves as rewards for tournament participants.

All interested bandits who meet the league requirements can register to participate in the tournament. Clones with military ranks are not allowed to participate in this tournament.

Registration begins 24 hours before the start of the tournament. Participation in it is free. There is no need to quit your job as a security guard or leave other groups such as a prince’s or cache robbers squad, a gang, or a bandit army to take part.

Before the tournament starts, you can cancel your application for participation at any time.

Each league must have at least 16 participants registered to start the tournament. If a league does not have enough participants, the prize pool is carried over to the next tournament and added to the new prize pool. Also, the tournament will not be held if the prize fund is less than 50 gold coins at the time of the tournament.

Table. King of Thieves Tournament Leagues

League No.League nameCriminal authorityMilitary skills
1MoleMolefrom 200up to 500
2FishFishfrom 500up to 1,000
3HamsterHamsterfrom 1,500up to 1,500
4RaccoonRaccoonfrom 3,000up to 3,000
5PythonPythonfrom 7,000up to 7,000
6BuffaloBuffalofrom 12,000up to 12,000
7SharkSharkfrom 20,000up to 20,000
8AlligatorAlligatorfrom 30,000up to 30,000
9SpiderSpiderfrom 50,000up to 50,000
10OctopusOctopusfrom 70,000to infinity

Participant equipment #

A clone can take a variety of equipment with him to a tournament to improve his chances of winning. Here are some types of equipment that a clone can use:

It is recommended to use automatic functions for dispensing weapons, filling vests, etc., to avoid inattention.

Entering combat unarmed or with limited equipment can significantly reduce your chances of winning the tournament.

Getting black pearls in tournaments #

You can get black pearls for each battle won in the tournament.

Obtaining black pearls in tournaments depends on the type of weapon the clone uses during the battle.

So, if you want to get black pearls in tournaments, pay attention to the type of weapons and additional items that your clone uses. This will help you increase your chances of receiving this resource.

Table. Obtaining black pearls in tournaments in one battle

Weapon typeMaximum, unitsChance of one pearl (%)Chance of two pearls (%)Chance of three pearls (%)
Brass knucklesBrass knuckles13--
Double-barreled rifleDouble-barreled shotgun310010025
three-barreled rifleThree-barreled shotgun310010033
Sniper rifleSniper rifle310010050
Light machine gun AB 0614Light machine gun AB 0614310010050

Important! To obtain black pearls when using firearms, you should have salt cartridges in battle.

It is also worth noting that a representative of the military department can increase the number of black pearls received depending on the impression made by the battle. This adds an element of unscheduled reward and motivates players to strive for better performances in tournaments.

With this information in mind, players can plan their engagements in battles more effectively and use the appropriate weapons and resources to increase their chances of obtaining Black Pearls.

The battle #

Tournament fights are held in accordance with the standard rules of combat between bandits and security guards. The rules of combat are described in detail in the “Combat” section.

A hungry clone cannot participate in the tournament if its stamina drops below 0. Therefore, players must provide their clones with enough food before participating in tournaments.

All characteristics are awarded in the tournament according to standard rules. For an accurate strike, the clone receives 2 points of military skills, for an inaccurate strike - 1 point. Military skills are awarded to a character only if any type of weapon is used in battle.

There are doctors on duty at the fighting arena, who before each fight examine all fighters and heal them up to 20 health points. This provides more fair and equal conditions for tournament participants.

If a clone has very little health left before the start of the battle (up to 20 units), then he will continue participating in the tournament, but his chances of winning will be small. It is recommended for players to stock up on Health Elixirs and set up automatic healing in the refectory to increase their chances of survival.

Important! During the tournament, you should use automatic healing.

After each tournament fight, players can drink kvass to boost their spirits, but no more than 3 bottles. To do this, you need to set up automatic consumption of kvass in the refectory.

These guidelines will help players effectively prepare their clones for tournaments and increase their chances of success in battles.

Bets on the fight winner #

Before the start of the final battles (1/8 finals - finals) in each league, within 10 minutes before the start of each battle, you can bet on one of the opponents winning.

Bets are accepted in gold coins. Each player can bet on any of the fighters. Once you have placed a bet, you cannot reduce or cancel it, but you can raise it.

An unlimited number of players can bet on one fighter.

If the fighter you bet on wins, the amount of your winnings is calculated as follows:

  • You get your bet amount back in full.
  • 90% of the total bets placed on the losing fighter will be split between all winners in proportion to the amount of their bets.
  • The amount received back cannot exceed the amount of your bet by more than 2 times. (See “Example 2” below).

The remaining 10% of all bets placed on the lost fighter will be distributed as follows:

  • 5% goes to the state budget.
  • 3% is equally divided between both fighters participating in this fight.
  • 2% goes to the winner of the battle.

If a fighter you bet on loses, you will not lose more than the sum of all bets placed on that fighter. The remaining gold coins will be returned to your game account.

If bets were placed on only one fighter from a pair, they will be returned to the players.

Examples #

Example 1:

You bet 100 gold coins on fighter “A”. Other players also placed bets on “A” for a total of 500 gold coins. There were bets for 50 gold coins on fighter “B”.

If fighter “A” wins, then the total winnings of everyone who bet on “A” will be 50 gold coins. Your share of the winnings will be 90% of the total bet on “A”, which is equal to 45 gold coins. In addition, your bet of 100 gold coins will be returned to you. So, your total winnings will be 145 gold coins.

If fighter “B” wins, then your loss will be no more than the amount of bets made by your opponents, that is, only 50 gold coins. The remaining 50 gold coins will be returned to your game account.

Example 2:

You bet 10 gold coins on fighter “A”, and other players bet on “A” for a total of 100 gold coins. Bets on fighter “B” amounted to 1,000 gold coins.

If fighter “A” wins, then the total winnings of everyone who bet on “A” will be 1000 gold coins. Your share of the winnings is 90% of the amount bet on “A”. This is equal to 900 gold coins. But you will receive no more than 10 gold coins, since your bet is 10 coins. Your bet will also be returned to you. So, your total winnings will be 20 gold coins.

If fighter “B” wins, then your loss will be 10 gold coins.

Automatic bets on your fighters #

On the Automatic Bets page you can place a bet on your clone fighter. The bet will be automatically placed before each of his final fights in the current tournament. After the end of the current tournament, the automatic bet settings will be canceled.

If at the start of the battle there are not enough gold coins in your game account to place a bet, then your bet will be equal to 0.