Pig races #
Pig racing takes place at the boar stadium, which is an excellent place for boar athletes to compete.
Participation in races #
If you are involved in pig farming and have suitable boars, you can sign them up for competitions.
Of course, before participating in races, it makes sense to conduct training to develop the boars sporting skills.
Only boars aged from 15 to 350 days can train and participate in sports races with the “Sports Mode” activated.
To participate in the competition you can:
- Register for an already created race that was created by another player.
- Create your own race.
When creating your own race, you need to specify the desired number of participants and the cost of participation in gold coins. To create your own race, you must have a boar athlete who will automatically participate in the race you create.
The minimum cost of participation in a race is 0 gold coins. The maximum waiting time to gather race participants is 24 hours. If the required number of participants is not reached during this time, the race will be canceled and the deposited gold coins will be returned to the owners.
The minimum number of participants in the race is 3, and the maximum is 6.
One animal can participate in a maximum of 3 races a day. If the animal additionally participates in the Three Piglets tournament on the same day, it does not affect the number of possible races at the boar stadium. A boar cannot participate in a race and in a tournament at the same time.
Before the race starts, the participants do not know the specifics of the race track that they will have to go through in the boar stadium.
The race begins immediately after the required number of participants has been recruited.
Participation in a race adds 0.16% of the boar’s base muscle mass. Remember that muscle mass cannot reach more than 70% of the animal’s weight.
The quality of a boar’s nutrition affects its performance during the race - the lower the satiety of the animal as a percentage, the lower its performance will be.
You can also watch the video broadcast from the races by clicking on the corresponding icon next to the image of the animal.
Payment of prizes #
Contributions of participants in gold coins are summed up and form the accumulated prize fund for the race.
The entire collected race prize fund is distributed as follows:
- 80% is paid as prizes to the winners of the race.
- 10% goes to the boar stadium sports committee.
- 2% is contributed to the imperial court fund.
- 8% goes to the fund for the project technical base development.
In the races, all participants are declared winners, except one who takes last place. Prizes are distributed in proportion to the number of points scored, relative to the total points of all winners. The first place is awarded a number of points equal to the number of winners in the race. 1 point is awarded for last place.
Example #
Let’s say 6 boars took part in the race and 5 winners were determined. Distribution of points by place:
- 1st place: 5 points.
- 2nd place: 4 points.
- 3rd place: 3 points.
- 4th place: 2 points.
- 5th place: 1 point.
Total points for the winners: (1 + 5) / 2 x 5 = 15.
If the cost of participation in the race was 1 gold coin, then the prize fund will be equal to: 1 x 6 x 80% = 4.8 gold coins.
- 1st place prize amount: 4.8 x 5 / 15 = 1.6 gold coins.
- Prize amount for 5th place: 4.8 x 1/15 = 0.32 gold coins.
Betting on the winner #
3 minutes before the start of each race, you can place a bet in gold coins on the winner of the race.
The winner is the boar that takes only the first place.
If you place several bets on the same boar, they are summed up.
The bet cannot be cancelled.
Depending on the number and amount of bets already placed by other players, you can see dynamically updated winning odds. 90% of the bets made are distributed among the winners in accordance with the odds. For example, if you bet 1 gold coin at odds of 1.3 and that grunt wins, you will receive 1.3 gold coins.
If all participants placed bets only on the winning boar, then all bets are returned to the players.
If all participants placed bets only on boars that did not take first place, and there were no bets on the winning boar, then all bets go to the stadium sports committee fund for boars.