Collectible value

Collectible value #

HowRare ranking and absolute statistical rarity (MoonRank) are based on data provided by independent third parties. They may change their ranking algorithms at any time at their discretion without any notice. We cannot influence their decisions. Therefore, rating information is provided as is and is subject to change at any time.

Usually many collectors strive to obtain the most valuable assets in each collection. It is the rarity of the token that has become the most important factor that determines the value of NFTs. However, we should not forget that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some inconspicuous and most ordinary NFT may have a special aesthetic and emotional value for a particular person.

So in our collection, each bull has a certain number of unique attributes - background, color, clothes, horns, earrings, scars, glasses and much more. The rarity of each attribute affects the overall rarity of the NFT collection as a whole. The more rare parameters an NFT has, the higher its collectible value. But some NFTs immediately attract attention with their brightness and unusualness, despite the rarity of certain parameters.

One of the important facets of our project is the self-development and self-education of players, which includes the development of new types of information and technologies. These technologies include NFTs, as well as everything connected with them. Using two of the most common NFT valuation rating systems, HowRare (Tensor) and Statistical (Moonrank), will allow our players to understand better how the world of digital assets works. Do your own research into the world of NFTs and it will become even more interesting and attractive for you!

NFT aggregators #

Special aggregators will help you qualitatively assess the rarity of NFTs. We will present some of them in this section.

Once you’ve mastered these services, you’ll be able to select the rarest NFTs from the Taurus Guard collection. And who knows, maybe thanks to such a balanced approach to choosing NFTs to buy, in the near future you will become the owner of a digital token that will cost a lot of money!

NFT aggregators are platforms that allow you to track the availability of rare NFTs from our and other collections on various marketplaces.

There are several methods for calculating the rarity of NFTs within a single collection. You can read more about them at this link.

In those game modules where NFTs of this collection will be used, the rating according to the HowRare (Tensor) and Statistical (Moonrank) method will play an important role.

You can check up the rarity of any NFT from the collection on the aggregator sites presented below.

Tensor #

Information about our collection on the Tensor aggregator website:

Taurus Guard collection on Tensor website

Make sure that in the Tensor website settings (gear at the bottom of the screen) the value calculation algorithm is set to Tensor/HowRare or Staistical/Moonrank (depending on your needs).

When calculating the rarity of an NFT, there are several types of rarity:


If you want to find out the rarity of your NFT, you can do this by connecting your cryptocurrency wallet to the Tensor marketplace, and then go to the Inventory section by clicking on your wallet number in the upper right corner.

Tensor Inventory

In your inventory, you will be able to see the rarity of each of your NFTs, according to the sign posted above.

This aggregator is also a marketplace where you can not only evaluate the rarity of NFTs, but buy or sell them.

HowRare #

Information about our collection on the Howrare aggregator website:

Thanks to this aggregator, you can also evaluate the rarity of any NFT from the collection, and even buy it. However, it is not a full-fledged marketplace and is not suitable for trading in general.

Unlike Tensor, this aggregator simply shows the rarity number of each NFT and does not divide them into types such as Common, Uncommon, etc.