
Utility #

NFTs of this collection have the following utilitarian functions:

Impact of NFTs on cattle #

In total, there are 2 types of bonuses from NFTs - the main one and the rarity bonus.

The maximum possible impact from both bonuses is:

  • +120% to the weight of newborn calves.
  • +12% to the speed of recovery after mating for bulls and reduction in the period of readiness for mating for cows.

Let’s take a closer look at these bonuses.

Main bonus #

All game NFTs of the Taurus Guard series, which are on a wallet linked to the Metropolis or Enclave game server, affect the account’s built cowshed.

Impact on the cowshed:

  • +0.2% to the recovery rate after mating, reducing the period of readiness for mating for cows (no more than 10%).
  • NFTs increase the weight of newborn calves in the cowshed by x%, where x is the weight of the NFT in the wallet (maximum by 100%, that is, 2 times).

The beneficial effect on the cowshed begins taking effect if the NFT has been continuously on the wallet linked to the game for at least a week. Besides, the wallet must be linked to the game server for at least a week. Please note that every time an NFT is moved to another wallet or smart contract address, or an NFT is put up for sale, the “hold” time for that NFT is reset to zero.

Rarity Bonus #

The rarity bonus has a beneficial effect on the weight of newborn calves, reduces the rate of recovery after mating for bulls and shortens the period of mating readiness for cows. This bonus also only affects animals that are in the cowshed. The maximum beneficial impact of each NFT from the rarity bonus is:

  • +0.02% to the recovery rate after mating, reducing the period of mating readiness for cows (no more than 2%).
  • +0.2% to the weight of newborn calves in the cowshed (maximum 20%).

To receive maximum benefits (+0.02% recovery rate and +0.2% newborn weight), the NFT rarity bonus must be equal to 100%. If your NFT’s rarity bonus is, for example, 30%, then it will increase the weight of newborn calves by 0.06% and increase the recovery rate by 0.006%.

You can reach the maximum weight bonus (20%) with any number of NFTs.

In-game bonus fund for NFT owners #

A new tab in property valuation has been created for Taurus Guard NFTs - NFT weight. The weight of each NFT from the moment of acquisition will be equal to 0. After the NFTs have been on the wallet linked to the game for 7 days, at the next scheduled time they will appear in the “NFT Weight” subsection and will have a weight of 1. This value remains unchanged (as long as the NFT is on the wallet). You can view all your NFTs, as well as the time they remain on your wallet, in the “NFT” section (“Investor” → “NFT”). Please note that it may take up to 24 hours to update data on new NFTs.

Payments to NFT owners are made once a week, every Friday, even if the valuation is below average.

The fund is formed from the following sources:

  • 10% of state farm income from players selling or mating cattle.
  • 10% of state farm income from manure processing.
  • The Commissioner reserves the right to additionally fill the fund from other sources that are state income.

To participate in payments from this fund, the NFT must continuously be on the wallet linked to the game for at least a week. Besides, the wallet must be linked to the game server for at least a week. Please note that every time an NFT is moved to another wallet or smart contract address, or an NFT is put up for sale, the “hold” time for that NFT is reset to zero.

Note! Your account will not receive the payout amount allocated to it from the Active Players Fund if, at the time of payout, on your account:

  • There are hungry clones (with negative stamina).
  • There are settlements that have not been renovated.
  • There are principalities that have not been repaired.
  • There are some unrepaired wonders.
  • There are some unrenovated properties.
  • There is a negative balance of gold coins or clonecoins.

Bonus for selling NFTs on the secondary market #

Principle of fund formation #

The cryptocurrency bonus fund for NFT “Taurus Guard” owners consists of the following deductions:

  • On the ongoing basis, 25% of the copyright interest received by the game administration from sales of NFTs of this collection on the market (in other words, royalties).
  • An additional 25% of the royalty received by the game administration from sales of NFTs of this collection on the market (in other words, royalties) until the creation of GoldenClone DAO.

Thus, until the creation of the GoldenClone DAO, 50% of the royalties will be distributed among all owners of the Taurus Guard NFTs. After the implementation of DAO, NFT owners of this collection will retain a share of 25% of the royalty.

Staking Points calculation method #

Twice a month, the fund is distributed to all NFTs that are continuously and immobile in non-custodial wallets, that is, not for sale on marketplaces or other smart contracts. The size of the payment depends on the Staking Points parameter, which can be viewed for each of your NFTs on the website of a special decentralized application.

Immediately after purchase, the Staking Points of your NFT will be 0. Each day the NFT is in the wallet will bring you Staking Points. The increase is divided into 2 periods:

First 10 days #

During the first 10 days, 100 staking points are added every day. Thus, in the first 10 days, 1000 staking points are reached.

Subsequent days #

Subsequent days, 1 staking point is added per day. Thus, in 510 days (including the first 10) the maximum size of 1500 staking points will be reached.

Rarity Booster calculation method #

Rarity Booster is an aggregated stat calculated based on HowRare and MoonRank ratings. It can take values from 0% to 100% for each of the methods for calculating collection value. Therefore, the maximum possible value of this additional bonus is 200%. This bonus depends on the position of a particular NFT in the HowRare and MoonRank ratings, which are described in detail in the “Collectible Value” section.

The bonus amount can be calculated using the formula:

\( R = ((T - Rh + 1) + (T - Rm + 1)) / 2 x 0.01 \)

The following variables are used in the above formula:

\(R\)Rarity Booster;
\(T\)Total number of NFTs;
\(Rh\)HowRare rating of your NFT ;
\(Rm\)MoonRank rating of your NFT.

Let’s look at a specific example - Taurus Guard #5783. This Taurus currently has a HowRare rating of 1054 and a MoonRank of 1978. This means that the formula for calculating the Rarity Booster bonus will look like this:

Rarity Booster = ((10,000 - 1,054 + 1) + (10,000 - 1,978 + 1)) / 2 x 0.01 = 84.85%

Fund distribution #

The entire accumulated fund is distributed equally to all Staking Points increased by Rarity Booster. This bonus (minus the blockchain transaction fee) is paid in SOL cryptocurrency weekly to the wallets of NFT owners. If the size of the cryptocurrency fund is less than 0.05 SOL, the fund continues accumulating until the next payout cycle.

Please note that any time you move an NFT to another wallet or smart contract address, or put an NFT up for sale, the accumulated Staking Points bonus will expire.

It is recommended to maintain a minimum balance of at least the so-called mandatory annuity (0.00203928 SOL) on the wallet in which your NFTs are located. This recommendation is due to the fact that if, as a result of the bonus payment, the final balance on your account is less than the required annuity, the payment will not be credited.

The size of the current cryptocurrency bonus fund can be found at this link:
