Chemical laboratories

Chemical laboratories #

Chemical laboratories

In chemical laboratories you can extract the elements chrome and nickel. These elements play an important role in the design and construction of the great structures of the new era, which are led by princes and emperors. In addition, this resource will be used by the state in large quantities for the construction of government buildings.

Own laboratories for producing chemical elements “chrome” and “nickel” can open:

  • Any prince: no more than 5 laboratories of each type.
  • Owner of a settlement of the “estate” level: no more than 1 laboratory of each type.
  • Owner of a village level settlement: no more than 5 laboratories of each type.
  • Owner of a city- level settlement: no more than 7 laboratories of each type.
  • Owner of a megacity level settlement: no more than 12 laboratories of each type.

If the prince has the social status of " Viscount " and higher, the limit increases to 10 laboratories.

Construction cost #

Table. The cost of building laboratories for the element “chrome” or “nickel”

Wood beamWood beam20
Edged boardEdged board35
Mounting railMounting rail65
Wood liningWood lining120
Foundation blockFoundation block20
Overlap blockOverlap block35
Facing plateFacing plate65

Repair #

This enterprise does not require periodic repairs.

Production #

To produce chrome or nickel, you must purchase a license worth 7 gold coins for 730 days. When the license expires, you should purchase a new one. Each laboratory produces 1 unit of an element per day, with a nominal value of 0.02 gold coins.

Production limits #

The daily production limit depends only on the number of laboratories built. It is calculated that 1 laboratory produces 1 element per day. Production in chemical laboratories operates automatically, but if necessary, you can switch to manual production.