Kvass brewery

Kvass brewery #

Kvass brewery

Kvass is a refreshing drink that can be produced in a kvass brewery. This drink is popular in the clone world and is one of the types of products that can be used or sold.

A kvass brewery can be opened by:

Construction cost #

Table. Cost of a kvass brewery construction

Wood beamWood beam170
Edged boardEdged board340
Mounting railMounting rail680
Wood liningWood lining1360
Foundation blockFoundation block170
Overlap blockOverlap block340
Facing plateFacing plate680

Repair #

This enterprise does not require periodic repairs.

Production #

Table. Cost of kvass production


The caps needed to seal bottles of kvass can be made at the appropriate enterprise or purchased at the fair.

To make 1 box of caps, you need to spend 1 unit of processed iron. A box contains 200 caps.

This is an important part of kvass production and players can choose between making the caps themselves or purchasing them, depending on their resource capabilities and development strategy.

Production limits #

Kvass production limit: 10,000 bottles/day, caps: 50 boxes/day.

You can enable the automatic production of kvass and caps. In this case, your production (if you have the required amount of raw materials) will occur daily at the estimated time, even if you are offline.

Kvass bottles and caps can be sold to other clones at the fair.

Kvass is not only a tasty drink, but also a useful resource in the world of the “Golden Clone”. You can read about its properties, as well as the peculiarities of use, in the help section in the refectory.

State deductions from princes’ costs for the production of kvass #

The state levies a tax of 0.068 gold coins on each bottle of kvass produced at the kvass brewery.

From this income item the state transfers:

  • 10% of the proceeds are transferred to the Imperial House Fund.
  • 25% goes to the state tournament fund. The funds from this fund can be used to increase the prize pools of various gaming tournaments.
  • 23% is transferred to the general fund of clone land settlements. These funds are paid into the treasury of each settlement according to its level of development, which helps to maintain and develop settlements in the game.
  • 23% goes to the clone land general real estate fund. These funds are paid into the treasury of each house depending on its level of development, which contributes to the development of real estate in the game world.
  • 4% goes to the state bank securities fund.
  • 15% is transferred to the for the project technical base development fund. These funds can be used for technical improvements and development of the game platform.