Great spike

Great spike #

Great spike

The Great Spike is a mighty architectural structure that can magically attract majestic clouds with the help of rain plates that are produced in the alchemical laboratory. These clouds irrigate agricultural lands with fertile moisture, significantly increasing the profitability of agriculture.

The following have the right to build the architectural wonder “Great Spike”:

  • A prince who has reached level 5 university development in his principality.
  • Owner of a settlement that has reached metropolis status and has a technology level of 9440 or higher. Moreover, the settlement should be located on the territory of a principality, where the prince has also deveoped the university to the 5th level.

The Great Spike is designed to improve conditions for agriculture and enrich the area with moisture, which helps to increase the productivity and profitability of lands.

Construction #

The cost of construction in settlements on the Metropolis and Enclave servers, as well as in the principalities of the Enclave server, is the same.

Table. The cost of building the Great Spike in settlements on the Metropolis and Enclave servers, as well as in the principalities of the Enclave server

Wood beamWood beam11,150
Edged boardEdged board22,300
Mounting railMounting rail44,600
Wood liningWood lining89,200
Foundation blockFoundation block11,150
Overlap blockOverlap block22,300
Facing plateFacing plate44,600
Magic solar plateMagic solar plate220
Magic Rain PlateMagic Rain Plate220

The cost of construction in the principalities on the Metropolis server is significantly higher.

Table. The cost of building the Great Spike in the principalities of the Metropolis server

Wood beamWood beam14,606
Edged boardEdged board29,213
Mounting railMounting rail58,426
Wood liningWood lining116,852
Foundation blockFoundation block14,606
Overlap blockOverlap block29,213
Facing plateFacing plate58,426
Magic solar plateMagic solar plate288
Magic Rain PlateMagic Rain Plate288

Important! If the prince has already built the architectural wonder “Giant Sunflower”, then he will need 20% less solar plates to build the “Great Spike” .

During the day, each builder consumes 0.5 flour and 1 unit of other resources. Gold coins are written off completely at the beginning of construction and are the state tax.

Repair #

Starting with 1001 days after its construction, the wonder needs repairs every 30 days.

Table. The cost of repairing the Great Spike

ResourceRepair cost
Wood beamWood beam111
Edged boardEdged board223
Mounting railMounting rail446
Wood liningWood lining892
Foundation blockFoundation block111
Overlap blockOverlap block223
Facing plateFacing plate446
Magic solar plateMagic solar plate2
Magic Rain PlateMagic Rain Plate2

If the building is not repaired on time, the time until the next repair is still taken into account. That is, after 60 days you will need to spend the double amount of materials, and so on.

You do not have to control the repair of the building yourself, since there is an automatic repair function.

Table. Automatic repair of the Great Spike

Automatic repair+
Automatic purchase of a resource for repairs-
Maximum automatic purchase price-

Additional bonuses #

Additional Great Spike bonuses include:

  • Increasing the rate of maturation of agricultural products. In all fields located on the territory of the principality or metropolis where the “Great Spike” wonder is built, the ripening time of the crop is reduced by 5%. This contributes to faster harvesting and increased land productivity.
  • Bonus to Dragon Intent. For dragons born in the environment of the “Great Spike”, +5 intention is added. Additionally, if the dragon lives in an amber cave on the territory of a principality with a built “Great Colossus”, it also gains an additional +5 intent.
  • Daily allowance from the state. The owners of the “Great Spike” receive a special benefit from the state daily as an additional reward.