
Bakery #


The bakery in clone land is where bread is made and it is a government monopoly. Only princes have the right to order bread to be baked at the bakery. Other residents of the land of clones can purchase bread from the trade guild.

Construction #

Table. Cost to build a Bakery.

Resource typeQuantity

Repair #

This enterprise does not require periodic repairs.

Production #

To bake 1 kg of bread, the prince must spend: 1 kg of flour and 0.02 gold coins (state tax).

Production limits #

In the game, a prince who has a registered business letter for a bakery can order bread. Immediately after acquiring a business charter, he has access to a bread production limit of 20 kg per day. If the prince does not use the entire available limit during the day, the limit is reduced by 5 kg/day. If the limit has been fully used, the production volume increases by 1 kg of bread/day. The maximum bread baking limit for one principality is 50 kg per day, and the minimum limit is 5 kg per day. Clones that have the status of “Count” and above have an increased production limit per day.

Table. Production limits for clones of Count status and above.

CloneProduction limit, kg.