Training arena

Training arena #

Training arena

The training arena is an important structure available for construction by princes in the game. It allows you to conduct professional training for clones who are members of the principalities squads. As a result of training, fighters significantly increase their combat skills.

Clones who are members of the princely squad are allowed into the training arena. To complete the training, the clone must pay a fee. You can pay for 1 day or for another desired number of classes. The amount of payment depends on the price set by the prince.

There are five development levels of the training arena. The higher the arena level, the more fighters and types of troops (infantry, cavalry, artillery, navy) can participate in training. In addition, as the level increases, the quality of training and the professional approach to it also increase.

If a clone was dismissed from the squad before the completion of paid but not used training, the gold coins for these trainings are returned.

Thus, the training arena provides the princes with the opportunity to improve the combat training of their warriors and improve the art of war in their principalities.

General rules for arenas of any level #

  • Automatic repair capability.
  • If the arena is not repaired in time, the training process there is suspended.
  • You don’t have to repair the arena, but immediately reconstruct it into a new one of a higher level. This is possible if the level of the principality allows it.

Construction and repairs of the arena #

Arena level 1 #

To build a training arena of this level, the principality must have a technological level that is greater than or equal to 2000 units.

The arena allows you to train up to 100 clones per day. Each trained clone can consume one bottle of kvass during training. This is important to consider when planning and maintaining the training process.

The arena needs to be repaired every 15 days. Regular maintenance is important to keep the arena in working order and ensure smooth clone training.

To build and repair the arena, certain resources are required. Details of the required resources can be found in the corresponding table.

Table. Construction and repairs of Level 1 Training Arena


Arena level 2 #

To build a training arena of this level, the principality must have a technological level that is greater than or equal to 5000 units.

The arena allows you to train up to 200 clones per day. Each trained clone can consume two bottles of kvass during training. This is important to consider when planning and maintaining the training process.

The arena needs to be repaired every 18 days. Regular maintenance is important to keep the arena in working order and ensure smooth clone training.

The resources required for construction and repair are shown in the table.

Table. Construction and renovation of Level 2 Training Arena

Processed ironProcessed iron18045
Processed stoneProcessed stone1800450
Processed woodProcessed wood1800450

Arena level 3 #

To build a training arena of this level, the principality must have a technological level that is greater than or equal to 10,000 units.

The arena allows you to train up to 400 clones per day. Each trained clone can consume three bottles of kvass during training.

The arena needs to be repaired every 21 days.

The resources required for construction and repair are shown in the table.

Table. Construction and repairs of the Level 3 Training Arena

Wood beamWood beam1000250
Edged boardEdged board2000500
Mounting railMounting rail40001000
Wood liningWood lining80002000
Foundation blockFoundation block1000250
Overlap blockOverlap block2000500
Facing plateFacing plate40002000

Arena level 4 #

To build a training arena of this level, the principality must have a technological level that is greater than or equal to 15,000 units.

The arena allows you to train up to 500 clones per day. Each trained clone can consume four bottles of kvass during training.

The arena needs to be repaired every 25 days.

The resources required for construction and repair are shown in the table.

Table. Construction and reapirs of the Level 4 Training Arena


Arena level 5 #

May be built by a principality with a technological level greater than or equal to 25,000 units.

Training up to 800 clones/day, the possible number of bottles of kvass consumed by a fighter during training = 5.

Repairs: every 30 days.

The resources required for construction and repair are shown in the table.

Table. Construction and repairs of the Level 5 Training Arena

Oil productsOil product350009000

You do not have to control the repair of the building yourself, since there is an automatic repair function.

Table. Automatic repair of the training arena

Automatic repair+
Automatic purchase of a resource for repairs-
Maximum automatic purchase price-

Bonuses from construction #

The level of the training arena affects several important indicators and bonuses. Therefore, the level of the training arena is an important element in the combat training system of the princely squad.

Maximum number of training fighters #

The higher the arena level, the more clones you can train daily. It allows to train more warriors for military actions.

Maximum amount of kvass consumed #

Obtaining additional units of military skill or military initiative - at their choice

Bonus to military skills #

The arena level also affects the number of the “Bonus to Military Skills” stat units that your clones receive during training. It improves their combat skills and makes them more effective on the battlefield.

Recognizing enemy dummies #

The level of the arena also affects the ability of the princely squad to recognize the dummies used by Webman’s army to deceive. This improves your squad’s tactical advantage in military conflicts.

The ability of the squad to recognize enemy’s dummies #

The level of the training arena not only affects the training capabilities of fighters. It also determines how effectively the princely squad can deal with the enemy’s tactical tricks, such as dummies. The higher the arena level, the greater the chances of your squad to detect dummies and avoid useless battles.

This is important to ensure the combat effectiveness of your squad and protect against losses in resources and combat skills during combat operations.

Table. The arena influence on the chances of detecting dummies in battle

Arena levelChance to recognize dummies (%)
There is no arena or it is broken60
Warrior Statue, level V + any level arena100%