Dragon Caves

Dragon Caves #

Dragon Caves

Dragon Caves are special structures that can be built under each castle. In these caves you can keep dragons, which will bring gold to their owners, and also serve as the castle guards. However, to keep a dragon, it is necessary to feed it regularly.

Please refer to the appropriate Animal Farning section for detailed information on dragons and their care. If you own a castle and have built a cave, you can purchase a dragon at the State Farm Dragon Fair, where other players sell them. Princes can also breed dragons in the amber caves of their principalities. A clone owning a dragon must have a fairly high intention score, at least 500 points.

Construction #

Table. Cost of building a cave under the castle

GoldGolden coins20
Foundation blockFoundation block300
Floor blockFloor block650
Cladding slabCladding slab1350

Building a giant cave for a dragon requires a lot of time and resources. It takes 1,600 days, which is 38,400 hours, to construct a giant cave by the hands of one clone. You can start construction in the desired castle on the “List of houses” page (“Real estate and renovation” → “List of houses”). Like regular construction works, you can hire builders to speed up the process.

Repair #

The cave does not require periodic repairs.