Rental Property

Rental Property #

Rent 1

You can rent any house that has free space, and the owner of this house has set the rental price per day to be at least 0.0001 gold coins. To do this, go to the “Real Estate Rental” page, select the principality, then the desired locality, and then select the house that suits you. Here you can renew the lease, set up automatic renewal, set a maximum price and set up automatic eviction when leaving the company. These functions become available after the clone has moved into the house.

You can also make it easier to find available rental spaces by setting the “Show only available” filter.

You can rent a house for any number of days, starting from 3 days or more, but no more than the maximum period set by the owner of the house.

For convenience, the function of group settlement of clones into one house has been implemented.

When renting real estate, the following restrictions apply:

  • You cannot rent a house if the owner of that house is putting it up for auction.
  • You cannot rent a house if the landlord has set the rent at 0.
  • If any clone on your account’s stamina drops below 0, no clone on that account will be able to rent a house, move into their own house, or renew an existing lease.

When renting a premises, the rent for the selected period is reserved immediately from the tenant’s account, and then paid daily to the house owner. You can cancel the rental at any time, and funds for unused days will be returned to your game account (minus the rental fee for the current day). During the entire paid period, the houseowner cannot force you to leave, but can change the rental renewal price or prohibit the renewal for your clone. The renewal ban is set for 2 days from the moment of eviction, then your clone will be able to rent this house again if there are vacancies.

If the houseowner increases the rental price, then tenants who have enabled the automatic rental renewal feature and set the maximum price for automatic renewal below the new price will receive a warning via in-game mail. Automatic rent renewals will be turned off and clones will have to decide whether to continue renting the house at the new price or look for another place to live.

Please note that if the paid days have not yet expired, the clone will continue to stay at the old price until the end of the term.

You can settle clones fron your account into your houses for free. If you have several accounts with the same personal data, then you can also settle clones from these accounts to your houses for free. In this case, the rental will be completed immediately for the maximum period of 299 days, regardless of this house rental settings. A convenient functionality has been implemented for group settlement of your clones on your account into your own homes on the “Real Estate” tab (“Investor” → “Real Estate”).

On the “All clones” tab (“Real estate rentals” → “All clones”) you will find a list of clones of your account that rent other people’s houses (i.e. houses built by not your clones). On this page you will be able to extend the rent or evict several clones at once or one at a time, depending on your needs.

Rent extension #

Since the rent term is limited, you will need to renew your rent periodically to avoid being evicted when the lease expires.

To extend your stay in the house, go to the “Real Estate Rental” page and select the number of days for which you want to extend the rental. This number of days will be added to the days already paid for. The total summed-up rental period cannot exceed the maximum possible number of days established by the houseowner. Renewal is carried out at the current price at the time of renewal.

Please note that the houseowner may refuse to renew your rent for any reason. In this case, you will receive a notification and the rental renewal will be blocked. The clone will be able to rent the house again 2 days after the end of the lease. This can be done subject to availability.

You cannot extend the lease in a house whose owner is up for auction.

Automatic rental control #

You can use the Automatic Rental Control feature to prevent clones from being evicted from their homes due to forgotten lease renewals.

If you enable this function (check the box “Automatically extend rental by day”), the system will automatically try to extend the rental by 1 day before the current period expires. If the owner of the house has not set an extension ban on your clone and you have enough gold coins in your account to pay the rent, then the rent will be extended for a day.

The renewal will be carried out at the price set in the house at the time of renewal.

You can also set an upper rent threshold that you are willing to pay upon automatic renewal. If the houseowner increases the rental price above this threshold, the automatic renewal will be disabled and you will be notified.

Additionally, you can enable the option “Automatic rental waiver upon dismissal from a private enterprise”. This will allow you to be automatically evicted from the house if the clone is fired from a private enterprise in a given settlement. For example, if a clone quits due to lack of a working tool, he will not pay rent. However, be careful, because when you move out, the training of the “Intention” characteristic stops, and the “Intention” indicator will begin to decrease.