Additional income for a settlement owner #
When developing a settlement, improving factories and purchasing a resource, the owner of a settlement receives various types of income or payments.
Deductions from the costs of building a settlement #
When creating a settlement, in addition to resources, the mayor also pays a state fee in the form of gold coins. The income from this fee is used to replenish the following funds:
- 1% to the charity fund;
- 4% to the clone land social subsidies fund;
- 3% to the principality’s property owners’ fund;
- 10% to the prince on whose territory the estate is built;
- 15% to the fund of the owners of megacities located in this principality. The fund is divided among city governors in proportion to the technological level of each megacity;
- 10% to the owner of the city on whose territory the estate was built (or on whose territory the village in which the estate was built is located);
- 5% to the owner of the village on whose territory the estate is built;
- 52% to the project technical base development fund .
Note: if the estate is built on the territory of the principality, but is not subordinate to a city or village, then the corresponding payments intended for the city or village (10% or 5%) will be transferred by the state:
- 30% to the clone land social grant fund;
- 30% to the treasury fund;
- 40% to the principality’s social fund.
Deductions from the costs of improving enterprises and processing factories #
When improving enterprises and processing factories in a settlement, in addition to spending on resources, the mayor pays a state fee in the form of gold coins.
From this income item, the state pays funds to the following funds:
- 1% to the charity fund;
- 4% to the clone land social subsidies fund;
- 3% to the principality’s property owners’ fund;
- 10% to the prince on whose territory the estate is built;
- 15% to the fund of the owners of megacities located in this principality. The fund is divided among city governors in proportion to the technological level of each megacity;
- 52% to the fund for the development of the technical base of the project;
- 15% is paid by the state depending on the level of development of the settlement in which the improvement was carried out: If the level of this settlement is “Estate”, then this 15% will be paid:
- 10% to the owner of the city on whose territory the estate was built (or on whose territory the village containing the estate was built);
- 5% to the owner of the village on whose territory the estate is built.
Note: if the estate is built on the territory of the principality, but is not located on the territory of a village or city, or is located on the territory of a village that is not part of the city, then the corresponding payments to the city or village (10% or 5%) will be transferred to the intermediate fund.
If the level of this settlement is “village”, then this 15% will be paid:
- 10% to the owner of the city on whose territory the village is built;
- 5% to the interim fund.
Note: if the village is built on the territory of the principality, but is not located on the territory of the city, then the corresponding payments to the city (10%) will also be transferred to the intermediate fund. If the level of this settlement is “city” or “megacity”, then all 15% will be transferred to the intermediate fund.
The interim fund, formed from these deductions, is paid at the end of the day as follows:
- 30% to the clone land social grant fund;
- 30% to the treasury fund;
- 40% to the principality’s social fund.
Deductions from the cost of purchasing products #
When the owner of the enterprise buys back the products, the amount in gold coins is paid as follows:
- 50% to pay salaries to the company’s employees;
- 5% to the fund of the corresponding type of securities;
- 5% to the prince on whose territory the settlement was built;
- 10% to the fund of the owners of megacities located in this principality. The fund is divided among city governors in proportion to the technological level of each megacity;
- 15% to the fund for the development of the technical base of the project;
- 15% is paid by the state depending on the level of development of the settlement in which the product was purchased:
If the level of this settlement is “Estate”, then this 15% will be paid:
- 10% to the owner of the city on whose territory the estate was built (or on whose territory the village containing the estate was built);
- 5% to the owner of the village on whose territory the estate is built.
Note: if the estate is built on the territory of the principality, but is not located on the territory of a village or city, or is located on the territory of a village that is not part of the city, then the corresponding payments to the city or village (10% or 5%) will also be transferred to the intermediate fund.
If the level of this settlement is “village”, then this 15% will be paid:
- 10% to the owner of the city on whose territory the village is built;
- 5% to the interim fund.
Note: if the village is built on the territory of the principality, but is not located on the territory of the city, then the corresponding payments to the city (10%) will also be transferred to the intermediate fund.
If the level of this settlement is “city” or “megacity”, then all 15% will also be transferred to the intermediate fund.
The interim fund, formed from these deductions, is paid at the end of the day as follows:
- 30% to the clone land social grant fund;
- 30% to the treasury fund;
- 40% to the principality’s social fund.