Stages of settlement development

Stages of settlement development #

A settlement on the land of clones is a part of the territory of the principality, which belongs to a certain clone and is under its control. The settlement goes through several stages of development: from an estate to a village, a city and a megacity. The transition from one stage to another occurs gradually as the population and production volumes in the settlement grow. Each level of development of a settlement opens up new functions, opportunities and bonuses for its inhabitants.

Thus, the settlement is a part of the principality, which has its own development opportunities, under the control of a specific clone.

Levels of development #

There are 4 levels of settlement development: estate, village, city and megacity. The settlement develops sequentially, increasing its level: estate → village → city → megacity. The ability to increase the status of a settlement depends on the status of the clone owner: an estate - from a peasant, a village - from a bourgeois, a city - from a merchant, a metropolis - from a nobleman.

The owner of the settlement receives additional opportunities from its development:

  • The higher the level, the greater the production at the settlement’s enterprises.
  • Starting from a village, a settlement may be adjacent to other settlements of a lower level.

Thus, an increase in the level of development makes it possible to increase the production potential of the settlement and obtain new opportunities for its owner.

How to increase the level of development of a settlement? #

To increase your level of development, you need to:

  • Develop all production facilities (sawmill, mill, quarry, mine) to the maximum (IV) level.
  • Meet the additional conditions listed in the tables below.

Table. Level Up Costs

Cost/LevelEstate → VillageVillage → CityCity → Megapolis
Powder stowagePowder stowage--50,000
Black PearlBlack Pearl20,00040,000100,000
Golden eggGolden egg41025
Silver eggSilver egg82050
Elixir of LifeElixir of Life--10
Elixir of WisdomElixir of Wisdom--10
Elixir of FortressElixir of Fortress--10
Elixir of HappinessElixir of Happiness--10
Elixir of UnfadingElixir of Unfading--10

When increasing the settlement level, the clone spends the game characteristics - prudence and charisma.

Table. Conditions for increasing the level of a settlement

Transition between levelsMinimum statusPopulation, residentsAdditionally
Estate → VillageBourgeois50 or more
Village → CityMerchant500 or more10 subsidiary estates
City → MegapolisNobleman1000 or more10 subsidiary villages

Please note that to increase the level of a settlement, only residents of that settlement and its directly subordinate inferior settlements are taken into account. For example, residents of an estate that is subordinate to a village, which in turn is subordinate to a city, do not affect the level of the city. Only city and village residents are taken into account. However, if an estate is directly subordinate to the city, then its inhabitants will be counted.

When all the necessary conditions are met, the icon for increasing the settlement level becomes active. You can increase the level on the “Development Level” page (“Investor” → “Urban Planning” → “Your Settlement” → “Development Level”). The transition to the next level is carried out by your decision, not automatically.

Special cases when increasing the development level #

Case 1. If your settlement, when leveling up, has reached the level of development of a higher settlement (for example, you have improved an estate that was subordinate to a village), you will need to choose another settlement of a higher level in the same principality and come under its control. If there is no suitable settlement, your settlement will simply fall out of control of the previous one.

Case 2. If you have upgraded a settlement that is not subordinate to another settlement, and there is a higher level settlement in the principality, your settlement will have to submit to that more developed settlement. If there are several such settlements, you can choose the one you need. For example, if your estate is promoted to village level, it must submit to any city or metropolis in the same principality (if any).

Megapolis - the pinnacle of development #

Megapolis is the highest development status for your settlement. Here you can produce and process resources on a huge scale. Profits from processing secondary products at enterprises here are the highest. The mayor of a megacity controls many settlements where manufacturing and agriculture flourish.

In order to become an emperor, you must have a megacity with the maximum level of development of manufacturing enterprises in any principality.