Primary resource

Primary resource #

Resource production

The production of primary resources such as wood, grains, stone and iron is an important part of settlement development in the Golden Clone game.

How to produce resources in enterprises? #

To start producing resources, you need to develop the appropriate enterprise in your settlement. The level of development of an enterprise determines its production capacity and the maximum number of jobs.

After developing an enterprise, you need to hire or employ clone workers for this enterprise. Each worker produces 1 unit of product (resource) per day at the enterprise where he works. This means that the amount of resources produced depends on the number of workers and the time they spend in the enterprise. For example, if you have 10 workers in a business, they will produce 10 units per day.

Products begin to be produced by clone workers at the beginning of the working day. These products are stored at the enterprise and are available for purchase within 24 hours from the moment of their production. After this time, the old products become unavailable for redemption, and new ones are produced.

The owner of the settlement can control the number of available jobs at each enterprise, which also determines the amount of products produced. He has the ability to set the required number of available jobs at each enterprise in the “Basic Resource” section and specifically in the “Primary Products” subsection. A company can have a minimum of 1 employee, and the maximum number depends on the current level of development of the company.

Thus, to effectively produce primary resources, you will need to develop enterprises, hire workers, control the number of jobs and regularly buy back produced resources. These resources can be used for a variety of purposes in the game, including construction and the production of other goods.

Development of manufacturing enterprises (primary resource) #

After building a settlement, you get the opportunity to open 4 main production enterprises that produce various resources:

  • sawmill (wood production);
  • mill (cereal production);
  • quarry (stone production);
  • mine (iron production).

In total, there are 4 levels of development of each enterprise at each level of development of the settlement (that is, 4 levels in the estate, 4 levels in the village, and so on). You can build and develop enterprises gradually, it is not necessary to open all first-level enterprises at once. The higher the level of development of each enterprise, the greater the number of clones that can work on it, and, accordingly, the more resources that can be produced there.

Remember that to increase the level of development of a settlement, it is necessary to develop all enterprises at the current level as much as possible.

The cost of developing each level of a particular enterprise depends on the level of development of the settlement.

Table. The cost of building a sawmill in settlements of various levels of development

Resource/Level of DevelopmentEstateVillageCityMegacity

Table. The cost of building a quarry in settlements of various levels of development

Resource/Level of DevelopmentEstateVillageCityMegacity

Table. The cost of building a mill in settlements of various levels of development

Resource/Level of DevelopmentEstateVillageCityMegacity

Table. The cost of building a mine in settlements of various levels of development

Resource/Level of DevelopmentEstateVillageCityMegacity

After the construction of enterprises for the extraction of primary resources, a certain number of clones can be installed on them, which depends on the level of development of the settlement.

Table. The maximum number of workers depending on the type of settlement.

Employees/Level of DevelopmentEstateVillageCityMegacity
Maximum number of employees40125250450

When building the very first level of the enterprise, 10 places for workers are immediately available. With a further increase in the level of the enterprise, jobs do not increase immediately, but are opened according to general rules.

How can you dispose of the products produced? #

When the manufactured products become available at the enterprise, the owner of the settlement can buy them. When purchasing products, gold coins are debited from the game account, and the products go into the inventory of the clone owner of the settlement. The redemption price is set at the request of the owner, but it cannot be lower than the nominal value of the resource (see the nominal price in the trade guild).

Depending on his business strategy, the owner of the settlement has three options:

  • if you buy back the entire production, the workers will receive a salary in gold coins;
  • if you do not buy back the manufactured products in full, then employees will receive wages in the form of a resource;
  • if you buy back the produced products only partially, then the workers will receive a salary in gold coins and resources in appropriate proportions.

You can set up product buybacks at enterprises manually, either completely or partially, depending on your needs and settlement management strategy.

If it is more convenient for you to automate this process and not worry about it every day, you can activate the function of automatic daily repurchase of products at each enterprise on the “Primary Products” page (“Investor” → “Urban Planning” → “Basic Resource” → “Primary Products”). This is convenient if you have enough gold coins in your game account to automatically buy back all the products produced. However, it is important to remember that in automatic mode you can only redeem the entire resource produced; partial redemption is not supported.

This allows you the flexibility to manage the redemption process and customize it according to your preferences and current situation.

If the products at the enterprise are purchased in full, then the next day the number of jobs at this enterprise will increase. This means that more clones can take up jobs at a given facility, which can increase resource production in the future.

However, if the products are not fully purchased, the number of jobs will be reduced. This is due to the fact that if the products are not purchased, then there is no need to hire additional workers.

The repurchase is considered complete when the number of purchased units of production is equal to the number of employed workers at the enterprise.

50% of the cost of purchasing products goes to employees’ salaries, the remaining 50% is received by the state. The state uses these funds for various purposes, including financing various funds and programs.