Types of subsidies in the settlement

Types of subsidies in the settlement #

Subsidy for property owners #

The settlement’s owner has the opportunity to provide a daily additional subsidy to encourage homeowners in his settlement. This can be done on the “Residents” page (“Your settlement” → “Residents”). The size of social subsidies depends on various factors, including the level of development of the principality and settlement, as well as the will of the prince or emperor.

This means that the higher the level of the house, the greater the share of the total subsidy amount its owner will receive.

Additional profit for the owner of the settlement from real estate development #

The main task of a mayor when constructing real estate is to provide housing for his employees and employees of his enterprises. In addition, it is possible to receive additional profit from the real estate development on the territory of your settlement.

The mayor receives 10% of the agricultural tax if house owners are engaged in agriculture. This tax is collected when harvesting from the fields of all houses located on the settlement territory. Additionally, 5% of this amount is transferred to the fund of megacities of this principality, and another 5% to the prince’s income fund.

Subsidy for owners of subsidiary settlements #

A settlement owner has the opportunity to establish a daily additional subsidy to encourage urban planners on his territory. This can be done on the “Subsidiary Settlements” page (“Investor” → “Urban Development” → “Your Settlement” → “Subsidiary Settlements”). Subsidies for different types of settlements are debited from the account of the owner of the superior settlement. These funds are then paid to the owners of subordinate settlements depending on their development level. Consequently, the higher the technological level of the settlement, the larger the share of the total subsidy amount its owner will receive.

Subsidies from the prince and owners of superiour settlements #

The princes and owners of the settlements on whose territory your settlement is located have an interest in your development and can provide additional cash subsidies at their discretion.

The purpose of such subsidies is a voluntary decision of each prince or mayor. Their size depends both on the player’s financial capabilities and on the pace of your development. The amount of subsidy you receive also directly depends on the technological level of your settlement. The higher is the technological level of your settlement, the greater is your share of the total subsidy amount.

In addition to subsidies, princes and owners of superiour settlements can, if desired, pay you a certain percentage of their profits from the construction of your settlement and the development of its enterprises.

On the Subordinate Settlements page, the mayor or prince can set the total amount of subsidies for the owners of each type of subordinate settlement, as well as the percentage of profit from their development.

The specified amount of subsidy will be debited daily from the game account of the mayor or prince and then paid out in proportion to the technological level of each subsidiary settlement. If there are not enough funds in the account to pay the subsidy on a particular day, it will not be paid that day.

The specified percentage of the profit from the development of your settlement will be automatically paid to you immediately after the improvement.

It is important to note that if the prince or settlement owner is on an account with hungry clones (with stamina level below 0), they will not:

  • make the specified payments;
  • receive the specified payments.

Subsidies from the Principality #

Each principality has its own social fund. Every day, at the end of the day, this fund is divided into 5 equal parts, which are then paid to various groups of the population of this principality. These funds are automatically credited to the game account of the settlement owners, bypassing the treasury.

Table. Distribution of the principality’s social fund among town planners

Who is paidShare from social fundWhat affects the amount of payment
Property owners20%House development level
Owners of megacities20%Technological level of the megacity
City owners20%Technological level of the city
Village owners20%Village technological level
Estate owners20%Technological level of the estate