Clay development

Clay development #

Clay development

The clay development companion has the right to dispose of the received resource (clay) at his own discretion.

Clay can be sold at the trade guild. Clay can also be used as one of the building materials in the construction of various structures. It helps to develop your settlement or principality.

New varieties to use clay may appear in future game modules. This way, clay can find new uses as the game progresses.

Please note that the Golden Clone game is constantly evolving, and new game elements and features are appearing. To learn about the most current ways to use clay and other resources, it is recommended to follow the news and updates in the game.

You can familiarize yourself with the general development rules by following the link. Here you can find information about the average coefficient, as well as about the rules for completing construction.

Construction cost #

Table. The cost of building a clay mine on the Metropolis server

Foundation blockFoundation block14,700
Overlap blockOverlap block29 700
Facing plateFacing plate59,500
BrickBrick118 800
Wood beamWood beam14,700
Edged boardEdged board29 700
Mounting railMounting rail59,500
Wood liningWood lining118 800
Oil productsOil product30,000

Table. The cost of building a clay development on the Enclave server


Production #

Information on the production and distribution of products from clay developments on the Metropolis and Enclave servers is as follows:

  • Clay mining on the Metropolis server produces 6,000 kg of clay per day for 20 days after construction is completed.
  • Clay mining on the Enclave server produces 2000 kg of clay per day for 20 days after construction is completed.

Product distribution #

The product, in this case clay, is distributed daily among the partners of the enterprise depending on their contribution to the construction and the nominal value of the resources expended. The amount of clay is taken into account to hundredths. This means that the more resources you invest, the greater the share of clay you will receive from daily production.