Participation in construction

Participation in construction #

Participation in construction

Construction of the development begins when government geologists find a suitable deposit.

To participate in the construction of the development, the player must have the status of “bourgeois” or higher.

Anyone wishing to participate in construction creates an order (application), indicating the type and amount of resource that he is willing to contribute, as well as the investment ratio. The coefficient determines how many times more resource you are willing to offer in order to receive your stated share. For example, a coefficient of 1.5 on a specified share of 1000 wood means that you are willing to invest 1500 wood to obtain a share of 1000 wood.

You can create an unlimited number of orders of any size.

The amount of resource that can be offered in each order depends on the type of resource:

  • primary resources are taken into account up to hundredths;
  • secondary resources are ccounted up to hundredths;
  • tertiary resources are counted up to whole units;
  • gold coins are counted up to whole units (for the railway).

For example, the amount of any tertiary resource equal to 1 with a coefficient of 1.1 will lead to an error, since the consumption of a tertiary resource cannot be fractional. With a quantity of 10 units, a coefficient of 1.1 will already be possible.

When creating an order, the required amount of resource is reserved from the clone’s inventory. When an order is deleted, the reserve is returned to the owner.

The cost of construction and the volume of production received may vary on different game servers, such as Metropolis and Enclave.

If geologists find clones of a new deposit and with the approval of the state commission, construction of a new development begins on the same principle, even if the current development is still active.

Participation in the construction of a development allows players to cooperate in the extraction of resources and receive a share of production depending on the resources they contributed and the investment ratio.

Completion of construction #

The first attempt to close the development will be made at any time after three days from the start of collecting materials. Attempts will be made at various times until the development is completely closed.

If the total amount of resource contributed by participants through orders is less than required, then all offered resources will go to the construction site and all orders will be executed.

If the total amount of resource offered is greater than required, then the first orders with the highest coefficient will be accepted, covering the required amount of resource. The remaining reserves from the orders will be returned to the owners after completion of construction.

You can cancel unaccepted orders in your order list. However, if the order has already been accepted and taken into account in the construction, it cannot be canceled.

Your order list only shows unaccepted orders that can be cancelled. If any orders are not in the list, this means that they were accepted for construction. Upon completion of construction, all outstanding orders will be canceled automatically.

Construction is considered complete as soon as the entire set of necessary resources has been collected. After collecting all resources, development will be completed. Products will be distributed among participants in accordance with their orders and investment ratios.

Average coefficient #

Understanding the average rate in resource development is important for players to effectively participate in the process. The average odds are calculated based on the odds offered by players through orders, and it determines which orders will be taken into account in the final design. Let’s look at an example:

Players offer to invest flour at different odds:

  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.0;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.1;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.2;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.3;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.4;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.5;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.6.

The total amount of flour offered by players is 175,000 units, but we only need 125,000 units to complete development.

Orders with the highest odds will be taken into account first until the required volume (125,000 flour) is reached. In this case, these will be the following orders:

  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.2;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.3;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.4;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.5;
  • 25,000 flour with a coefficient of 1.6;

The average odds are calculated based on these posted orders. In this case, the average coefficient will be 1.4, since this is the average value of the order coefficients taken into account in the development.

Thus, the average coefficient in this development will be 1.4.

These points are important for participants, as they determine how the distribution of products and contributed resources in development occurs.