Foundations of Architectural Wonders

Foundations of Architectural Wonders #

The “Giant Sunflower” and “Great Spike” architectural wonder funds in the game provide gold coins to their owners based on different incomes.

Giant sunflower #

The Giant Sunflower Miracle Fund is formed daily from the following sources:

  • 20% from the sale and processing of fertilizers by livestock farmers of the land of clones;
  • 10% from the sale of seed materials at the state farm;
  • 20% taxes on harvest;
  • 10% of state farm income (commission at producer fair, animal fair).

The fund is paid out equally at the end of the day to all owners of the Giant Sunflower miracle. This means that the amount collected from these sources is divided among all owners of this miracle.

Great spike #

The Great Spike Miracle Fund is formed daily from the following sources:

  • 10% of the cost of fertilizer processing at the state farm;
  • 10% from the sale of crops at the state farm;
  • 10% on harvest taxes;
  • 10% of state farm income (commission at producer fair, animal fair).

The fund is paid out at the end of the day equally to all owners of the “Great Ear” miracle. This means that the amount collected from these sources is divided among all owners of this miracle.

Both of these wonders allow their owners to generate additional income based on various economic processes in the game.