Charity Fund

Charity Fund #

The Charity fund in the game serves to help tramps who are in distress and need support. This fund is generated from various sources of income and distributed among the tramps visiting the shelter. Deductions to the fund occur continuously throughout the day from the following items:

  • 1% of the tax collected on agricultural fields.
  • 1% of proceeds from cruise ship ticket sales.
  • 1% of the estate creation cost (only from the gold coin component).
  • 1% of the cost of upgrading businesses and factories in settlements (only from the gold coin component).
  • 0.5% of the difference between the auction price of a security and its face value (in gold coins only).
  • 1% of gold received from selling weapons in the gun shop.
  • 1% of the cost of renaming a settlement.
  • 10% of the winning bid at the flea market.
  • 0.005 gold coins for each paid hour of study with university professors.

The Charity fund is intended to help clones of the “tramp” social status, provided that the player has only one clone on his account.

A tramp can visit the shelter and receive shelter and livelihood there in the amount of 0.01 gold coins.

The shelter may be visited once a day.

This fund serves to provide support to clones who are in difficult situations and helps them survive in clone land.