Dragons' Gold Foundation

Dragons’ Gold Foundation #

The Dragons Gold Fund in the game is a source of income for the owners of dragons, powerful creatures in the game world.

Ancient reptiles daily bring their owners ringing gold coins directly to their gaming account. They draw these incredible riches from the dragons gold fund. This fund is formed daily from various gaming royalties:

  • 11% of profit from the sale of seed material.
  • 10% of funds received from the sale of superfeeds at the state farm. This part of the fund is formed from the profits received from the sale of super feeds, which are used to feed animals.
  • 15% of funds received from the sale of animals in the state farm nursery. This takes into account the percentage of profits received from the sale of animals in the game nursery.
  • 10% of funds received from the commission from the sale of chicken farms. This portion of the fund is related to the commission charged on the sale of chicken farms.
  • 10% of funds received from the commission from the rental of breeding boars and breeding bulls. This takes into account the commission charged when renting boars and bulls for breeding.
  • 10% of the proceeds from the pig fair commission.
  • 10% of the proceeds from the cattle fair commission.
  • 30% of funds received from the dragon fair commission. These sources include commissions on fair sales for various species, including dragons.
  • 10% of the proceeds from the gun shop fund.
  • 10% of funds received from income from auctions of clones, securities, letters. This source includes a percentage of the profits received from auctions in the game.
  • 10% of funds received from commissions at the auction of principalities. This takes into account the commission charged when conducting sales of principalities.
  • 10% of funds received from flea market income. This part of the fund is related to the income received from the flea market.
  • 10% of funds received from the trade guild fund. This source includes a percentage of the merchant guild’s income.
  • 10% of funds received from the fair fund. This takes into account the percentage of income received at the fair.

The Dragon Gold Fund is formed daily from the specified sources, and its funds are evenly distributed among all dragon owners in the game, which provides them with additional income.