Imperial House Foundation

Imperial House Foundation #

The Emperor’s Fund provides additional income to clones who have reached the status of “Viscount” and above. The fund is formed from various sources, and its funds are paid to the emperors daily. Let’s look at the main sources of formation of this fund:

  • 7% of state profits “Social statuses”. This part of the fund is formed from state income associated with the social status of clones.
  • 5% from the sale of weapons in a gun shop. This part of the fund is formed from the profits received from the sale of weapons in the game gun shop.
  • 10% of kvass production. This part of the fund is associated with the profit received from the production of kvass in the game.
  • 25% of property rental tax. This source includes revenues derived from taxes on property rentals in the principalities.
  • 5% of income from the trade guild. This source is related to the profits of the Trade Guild, an organization in the game.
  • 10% of discount on the commodity exchange. Part of the fund is formed from funds received from discounts on the commodity exchange.
  • 10% of discount at the fair. This part is related to discounts at the fair, where players can trade various goods.
  • 15% of income from training in the “Intention” characteristic at the University. This source is related to the profits gained from training clones at the university with the Intent attribute.
  • 10% of commissions at the auction of principalities. This part of the fund is formed from commissions collected during auctions of the principalities.

The fund is formed daily, and its funds are evenly distributed among all clones with the status of “Viscount” and above, providing them with additional income for achieving a high status in the game.