Princely Fund

Princely Fund #

The princely fund is a fund that is formed daily by the state and paid to the princes depending on the development of their principalities.

The Princely Fund includes the following components:

  • 15% of the sale of each mine at the mine auction, provided that the mines are sold only for gold coins.
  • 10% of the total amount of gold washed out in all mines of the clone land per day.
  • 5% of the difference between the face value and the real value of the security is retained when it is sold for gold coins at auction.
  • 10% of the income received from studying the “Intent” characteristic at the university.

The princely fund is paid to the princes at the end of each working day. The distribution of the fund occurs in proportion to the technological level of development of their principalities. That is, the higher the technological level of the principality, the greater the payment from the Princely Fund it will receive.

The Princely Fund helps princes develop their principalities and invest in their improvement.