Subsidies for property owners

Subsidies for property owners #

Property owners receive several types of subsidies every day.

Government subsidy #

The state subsidy for real estate is formed by transferring:

  • 2% of the current treasury size.

Owners of real estate built no more than 1 year ago receive an additional subsidy “State assistance to owners of new real estate” in addition to the main state subsidy.

Subsidy from the Homeowner Bonus fund #

The subsidy from the “Homeowner Bonus” fund is formed by transferring:

  • 10% profit from government commissions on the arms exchange;
  • 10% from state income from training the skill “Intention” at the university.

Both of these subsidies are paid in proportion to the base level of each home.

The government subsidy for real estate, including new ones, is divided in half for each home. The first part goes to the house treasury, and the second is credited to the house owner’s gaming account.

The “Homeowner’s Bonus” subsidy is fully credited to the treasury.

Subsidy from the princely fund #

Each principality has its own social fund.

At the end of each day, the accumulated social fund of the principality is divided into 5 equal parts, which are paid to the corresponding groups of the population of this principality.

20% of this fund is divided among all property owners, depending on the level of development of their home. This subsidy is paid directly to your gaming account.