Mine Auction

Mine Auction #

Gem mine auctions add an element of competition and strategy to the gameplay. Participating in auctions and mining gems requires good preparation, planning and strategic thinking to maximize your benefits.

Gemstone mining process #

The process of mining gems in the game includes several stages:

Geological research #

State geologists conduct research to determine the location of gemstone mines. When such deposits are discovered, the mines go up for auction.

Putting up for auction #

Mines discovered by geologists are put up for auction by the state. At auction, mines can be purchased by clones who have a geologist’s education. Auction participants place bids on mines, and after the auction ends, the highest bidder wins the right to extract gems from that mine.

Extraction and processing #

After winning the auction, the player can begin mining for gems. To do this, he will need a geologist’s education and tools. Collected gems may be sold on the exchange or used to create various items in the game.

Rules for bidding at the Mine Auction #

Clones of the social status “craftsman” and higher, who have a geologist’s education, can participate in the auction.

The trading period is determined in hours and minutes and can be a maximum of 48 hours. If there are no bids, the mine will be re-auctioned until it is sold.

If a bid is made in the last 5 minutes of the trading period, the trading period is extended by 5 minutes.

Depending on the type of mine, bets can be placed not only in gold coins. You can also purchase lots for forest gifts, water, and also for silver or golden eggs.

The bid is calculated taking into account the nominal value of gifts, water and eggs.

A subsequent bid increases the current value of the lot by a given step.

Unlimited bid increases are permitted.

The bid amount is reserved and debited after the item is purchased. If the bid is outbid, it is returned.

After purchasing a mine, there is no possibility to cancel the transaction.

The purchased mine will appear with the buyer within 5-10 minutes after the end of the auction.

These rules provide a structured and fair process for buying mines at auction, where participants can bid and purchase mines in accordance with established rules and restrictions.

Nominal value of mines and auction step #

Nominal value is the price at which the mine is offered for sale. This is the basic price set by the game administration.

A step is the amount of money or resources by which the current value of an item will increase when a player bids to purchase it. This value is set to ensure a gradual and uniform increase in the value of the lot when placing bids.

Table. Cost and step of bidding for gem mines.

Mine nameGolden eggSilver eggGoldAuction step, gold
Plot on the riverPlot on the river122.50.25
Large river mineLarge river mine2450.5
Plot in a quarryPlot in a quarry367.50.75
Large quarry mineLarge quarry mine51012.51.25
Small mountain mineSmall mountain mine612151.5
Large mountain mineLarge mountain mine1020252.5
Amber mineAmber mine30.3
Elvereon mineElvereon mine30.3
Portaline minePortaline mine30.3

Table. Cost and step of sand and black pearl mines.

ResourceStarting cost (pcs)Step (pcs)
Handful of nutsHandful of nuts1225123
Basket of mushroomsBasket of mushrooms12513
Basket of berriesBasket of berries657
Barrel of HoneyHoney455

Trade for krypton #

The Portaline and Elvereon mines can also offer krypton as a resource. Starting price 1 krypton. Step 1 krypton.

Income from the sale of mines #

The difference between the sale price of the mine at auction and its nominal value in gold coins is transferred to the state budget in the form of income. This gold is then used by the government to fund various game funds, which support the economic and social aspects of the Golden Clone game.