Securities auction

Securities auction #

Lots of securities are put up for auction by the state of the land of clones during emissions. Emission is the process of issuing new securities of various enterprises and objects in the game. Emissions are held regularly, and each of them provides players with the opportunity to purchase securities of various enterprises.

At a securities auction, players can bid on different lots of securities. Each lot contains a certain number of securities, and the auction lasts for a certain time. Players place bids, and the lots are distributed among the winners who made the highest bids.

Securities provide players with the right to receive a share of the income from the underlying businesses or objects. This allows players to invest in various sectors of the game’s economy and receive passive income from the profits of enterprises.

Trading rules at the Securities Auction #

Let’s look at the process of participating in a securities auction in more detail:

Who can participate #

Any clone whose social status is not lower than “craftsman” can take part in a securities auction.

Lots and prices #

Lots of securities in volumes of 1, 10 or 100 units are available at the auction. The price per lot is indicated taking into account the number of securities in it. The number of lots of 1, 10 and 100 securities in each issue is determined by the state

Frequency of listing lots #

Lots of different sizes are put up for sale at certain intervals.

Table. Frequency of offering lots of securities

Lot size, pcs.Put up frequency, min

Trading terms #

The trading period is determined by the time period in hours and minutes. A lot can stay on sale for indefinite time. However, from the moment of the first bid to purchase, the auction for this lot will be completed within the specified period. If at the last minute of bidding one of the players makes a bid, the bidding period for that lot is extended by one minute.

Bidding step #

A step is the amount of money or resources by which the current value of an item will increase when a player bids to purchase it. The next bid will increase the current price of the lot by one step. A trading step is always equal to 10% of the nominal value of the paper in a particular resource. The exception is the Alchemical Laboratory securities, which are sold for different resources, so the start of trading and the step are slightly different.

Table. Start of trading and step when purchasing securities of the Alchemical Laboratory

ResourceStart of trading (pcs)Step (pcs)
Golden eggGolden egg11
Silver eggSilver egg21

Types of bids #

The type of bid depends on the type of securities. Bids can be in gold coins, resources (such as wood, grain, stone or iron), hunting gifts, or other game items.

Making a bet #

In order to place a bet, a player must have a sufficient number of gold coins or resources. You can place a bet using the appropriate button. The player can raise his own bet without any restrictions.

Reserve your bet #

After the player has placed a bet, the bet amount is reserved. It will be written off after purchasing the lot. If another player outbids the bet, the previously reserved amount will be returned to the player.

Buying a lot #

If a player wins a trade, he will not be able to cancel the bet. The purchased securities will be at his disposal within 5-10 minutes after the end of the auction.

State Revenue #

Thus the difference between the sale price of a lot of securities in gold coins and their nominal value is sent to the budget of the clone land state. This mechanism creates an additional source of income for the state, which is then used to pay gold into various game funds.