Fair #
At the virtual world fair of clone land, players have the opportunity to both sell and buy a variety of goods such as ingredients, clothing, hunting weapons, accessories and many other goods. The Fair is a place where players can interact, trade, and find interesting items for their clones.
Trade rules at the fair #
Such rules ensure clarity and transparency of the trading process at the fair, and also guarantee fairness and equality for all participants.
Conditions for purchase #
- Any resident of the land of clones (except for tramps) can purchase goods at the fair. In this case, purchases are possible provided that the endurance of all clones on the account is not lower than 0.
- You cannot buy your own lot.
- Lots are purchased starting from the current minimum price.
- Individual (unique) items are purchased at the buyer’s discretion.
Conditions for listing goods for sale #
- Clones with Artisan status and above can list items for sale.
- Hungry clones (clones with less than 0 stamina), as well as clones from accounts that have hungry clones, cannot use the fair.
- All lots or trading orders that belong to hungry clones are automatically canceled.
- If an item is not sold within 120 hours, it is automatically removed from sale. If desired, this item can be re-listed for sale.
- When listing a product, the seller can set a discount percentage.
- The price is indicated for one unit of goods.
- Items that are worth less than the nominal price cannot be offered for sale.
- The volume of goods offered for sale or purchased can be any, but integer.
Fees #
- There are no commissions when creating a lot at the fair.
- When purchasing a lot, the seller is charged a commission of 5% of the purchase price, but not less than 0.0001 gold coins. This commission is transferred to the state budget.
Features of the various sections of the fair #
- In the “Military Weapons” section, the seller is charged a commission of 20% of the cost of its sale, but not less than 0.0001 gold coins. The minimum price for a lot is 0.0001 gold coins.
- In the “Hunting Equipment” section, the maximum price of an exhibited lot cannot be higher than the nominal (including wear and tear) price of the product.
- In the “Magical Artifacts” section, the maximum price of an exhibited lot cannot be higher than the nominal (including wear and tear) price of the product +20%.
- In the “Combat Jewelry” section, the maximum price of an exhibited lot cannot be higher than the nominal (including wear) price of the product +70% (for rings with infinite durability: +20%).
- In the “Protection” and “Casual Wear” sections, the maximum price of an exhibited lot cannot be higher than the nominal (including wear and tear) price of the product +70%. In this case, the maximum cost of the “Dragon Scale Leather Cloak” is taken to be 40 gold coins.
- In the “Casual Wear” section, only new products (items with durability equal to the durability at production) are allowed to be displayed.
- Vagrants can also trade in the “Flowers” section, and the price of goods in this section cannot exceed the nominal value by more than 100 times.
- Trade orders are not available for some sections of the fair.
Deductions from discounts #
After selling a product at a discount at a fair, the amount of the discount is government income. The state, in turn, pays from this income:
- 10% - to the securities fund of the trade guild.
- 10% - for the payment of bonuses at the sawmill, mill, quarry, mine and transport company in equal shares for each enterprise.
- 10% - to the Imperial House fund.
- 10% - to the urban development fund (according to the level of development of the settlement, the income goes to the settlement treasury).
- 10% - to princes with a raised banner, according to the level of development.
- 5% - to the resource lottery fund for all types of resources equally.
- 10% goes to the railroad securities fund.