Ammunition making #
To make live ammunition, salt cartridges and cannonballs, we will need certain components that can be made on the “Ammo” page (“Trade” → “Weapons Shop” → “Ammunition”).
Charcoal #
Charcoal can be obtained from wood. To do this, you need to have the status of “craftsman” or higher.
When burned, 15 pieces of wood produce 1 kilogram of charcoal.
The daily limit for coal production by one clone is 100 kilograms.
Coal is necessary for producing gunpowder.
Powder stowage #
To create a gunpowder stash, a clone must have craftsman status or higher and take a university course in ammunition handling for 3 gold coins. To produce one batch of gunpowder, 3 grams of saltpeter, 1 gram of charcoal, and 1 gram of sulfur are required.
The daily production limit for gunpowder stashes for one clone is 100 pieces.
Cartridge case #
A clone of the Craftsman social status or higher can produce cartridge cases by casting them from iron.
From 1 piece of iron you get one box consisting of 500 cartridge cases.
The production limit per day for one clone is 100 boxes.
Cases are necessary to produce salt and combat cartridges.
Salt cartridge #
To create gunpowder loading, a clone must have Craftsman status or higher and take a course in ammunition handling at the University for 3 gold coins.
To produce one salt cartridge you need to use: 1 powder loading, 5 grams of salt, 1 cartridge case. The production cost of each salt cartridge is 0.001 gold coins. The daily production limit for salt cartridges for one clone is 100 pieces.
Salt cartridges are used in security activities and tournaments to inflict less serious damage on trespassers.
Live cartridge #
The clone must have Craftsman status or higher and take the ammunition handling course at the University for 3 gold coins.
To produce one live cartridge, you must use: 1 powder loading, 0.01 units of iron, 1 cartridge case.
The production cost of each live cartridge is 0.005 gold coin.
The daily limit for the production of live cartridges for one clone depends on its social status:
Table. Limit on production of live ammunition per day by one clone.
Clone | Production limit, pcs. |
Craftsman | 50 |
Peasant | 50 |
Bourgeois | 200 |
Merchant | 200 |
Nobleman | 200 |
Chancellor | 200 |
Prince | 500 |
Viscount | 1000 |
Count | 1100 |
Duke | 1200 |
King | 1300 |
Emperor | 1500 |
Live cartridges are used for military operations.
Cannonball #
The clone must take the ammunition handling course at the University for 3 gold coins. To produce one cannonball, you will need 10 powder loadings and 0.1 units of iron.
The cost of producing each cannonball is 0.05 gold coin. The daily cannonball production limit for one clone depends on its social status:
Table. Limit of cannonball production per day depending on the character’s social status
Social status | Production limit, pcs. |
Craftsman | 10 |
Peasant | 10 |
Bourgeois | 30 |
Merchant | 30 |
Nobleman | 30 |
Chancellor | 30 |
Prince | 100 |
Viscount | 500 |
Count | 600 |
Duke | 700 |
King | 800 |
Emperor | 1000 |
Cannonballs are used for warfare.