Payments from the income of the weapons shop

Payments from the income of the weapons shop #

Gold coins received from the sale of weapons are state income. From this income item the state pays daily:

  • 13% - to the treasury.
  • 13% goes to the title fund.
  • 10% - to the steel rolling plant securities fund.
  • 10% - to the princes whose principalities have raised their banner.
  • 10% — to the General Staff Fund.
  • 10% - to the wage fund of the main enterprises.
  • 5% - to the treasury of the imperial house.
  • 5% - to the Old Rat fund.
  • 3% - to the steel rolling plant bonus fund.
  • 1% - to charity.
  • 20% - to the project’s technical base development fund.
  • 7% — to the railroad securities fund.