Trade orders #
In the trade guild and at the fair, the ability to use trade orders is available - orders to purchase goods or to put goods up for sale.
Using orders can greatly simplify the trading process. For example, if you create an order to purchase an item, you do not need to constantly monitor prices on the sales floor in order to be able to purchase the item at the right price. The order will perform all actions automatically according to your specified conditions.
By using an order to list an item for sale, you can achieve higher profits by automatically listing the item for sale at a higher price than the current market price when it rises. If the price has not increased, you can cancel the order that has not yet been triggered, without losing the commission for placing the product, as would be the case if the lot was created directly. Thus, orders are convenient for delayed trading when you want to get more profit.
You can view your character’s list of orders by clicking on the “Trade Orders” link and selecting “Buy” or “Place”. There you can create or cancel a trade order. Once an order is created, its parameters cannot be edited - you can only delete the order. Please note that each of your characters has their own list of orders.
On the “My Orders” tab you can find a list of all the orders of all your characters. There you can delete or copy the desired order.
Orders created by all players form a queue. Orders in the queue are executed, starting with the very first one created, if its conditions match the price of the product on the exchange, and so on down the list. If your order is not the first in the queue, and there are orders from other players ahead of it whose conditions match the situation on the exchange, your order will only work after all these orders have worked.
Orders on commodity and stock exchanges are valid indefinitely. Orders on the currency exchange that are not fully executed within 30 days from the moment of creation are automatically deleted.
Product purchase order #
A buy order is used for the deferred purchase of a product at a given price, which does not exceed that specified in the order.
When creating a buy order, you must specify three parameters, similar to a regular purchase:
- Product name.
- The quantity of the item you wish to purchase.
- The maximum price per unit of goods, expressed in gold coins.
At the time the order is created, an amount of gold coins will be reserved equal to the full purchase price of the goods under the order (amount = quantity X price). This reserve will be used to purchase goods. If the order is deleted, the reserve (or its balance after a partial purchase) will be returned to your account.
A fully executed order (where the entire specified volume of goods has been purchased) will be highlighted in pink in the order list and will remain in the list until you delete it.
In order for an order to buy a product to work, two conditions must be met:
- The current minimum price of the product must not be greater than the price specified in the order.
- The order must be the first (by creation time) among all active orders to buy this product with a satisfactory price.
The purchase will be made at a price not exceeding that specified in the order. If the item is sold at a lower price and both conditions are met, the difference in gold coins will be refunded to your account. For example, if you want to buy 100 units of wood at a price not higher than 0.021 gold, and an order with such parameters is active, you will be able to purchase wood even at a price of 0.0205 or 0.0203 and so on (if such a price is available on the exchange at the time of triggering orders).
The purchase of goods can occur in parts depending on its availability on the exchange, until the entire ordered volume of goods is purchased.
Order to put goods up for sale #
An order to place a product is used to defer the placement of a lot on the trading platform at a specified price, provided that the current minimum price for a given type of product rises to the level specified in the order. The activation of such an order means that the product will be automatically put up for sale, but the sale of the product itself does not occur.
When creating an order for placing goods, four parameters are specified:
- Product name.
- The quantity of the item you wish to list for sale.
- The unit price at which the item will be listed.
- The minimum current price of a product on the exchange at which the order will be triggered and the product will be put up for sale.
At the time the order is created, a commission will be reserved for placing the lot at the specified price and specified quantity of goods. The commission is reserved in accordance with the rules of the trading platform. In addition, the specified quantity of the item will be reserved from your inventory.
When an unexecuted order is deleted, all reserves are returned. The commission is transferred to your account, and the product is transferred to your inventory. When the order is triggered, the reserves are used to create the lot and pay the commission for placing the lot. The executed order will be highlighted in pink in the clone order list and will remain in this list for information only.
Canceling an order that has already been executed does not return either the commission or the product, since they have already been used to create the lot. If you need to cancel a created lot, this can be done in the appropriate section of the exchange (if a lot is cancelled, the commission for placing a lot is not refunded in accordance with the rules of the trading platform).
For your order to be triggered, two conditions must be met:
- The minimum price for this type of product must be no less than the one you specified when creating the order (the “minimum price on the exchange” parameter).
- Your order must be the first (by creation time) among all active orders for placing this product at a satisfactory price.
If another player’s order was triggered before your order, causing the minimum price to decrease again, the conditions on the exchange are considered to no longer match the conditions of your order. For it to trigger, the price must rise again to the value specified in your order.
An order to put goods up for sale is triggered immediately for the entire volume of goods, without providing for the goods to be put up in parts.