State Farm

State Farm #

State Farm

At the state farm in the game, players have the opportunity to breed and exchange animals. Here are some main aspects of this feature:

  • buying and selling animals;
  • animal mating;
  • animal production services;
  • breeding and genetics;
  • breeding cycles;
  • animal care.

Nursery #


In the game, the State Farm Nursery is a place where players can purchase a variety of animals for their farm. There are times when the state farm nursery does not have some species of animals, then you’d better go to the animal fair. There you can find a wider range of animals offered by other players.

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Seed material #

Seed material

Seeds are a key element for developing your farming activities in the game. In this section, players can purchase seeds of various crops that can be used to sow their fields. It is important to choose the right types of seeds, taking into account the needs and development strategy of your farm.

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Superfeed #

Superfeed in the game is a specialized product that is used to feed heavy cattle such as cows and bulls in order to increase their weight. Higher animal weights can have a positive impact on their productivity and offspring, which in turn can increase your profits from raising livestock.

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Cattle Fair #

Cattle Fair

At the cattle fair you have the opportunity to buy and sell cows and bulls. You can buy and sell animals, taking into account current prices and your strategic goals in the game.

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Pig Fair #

Pig Fair

At the Pig Fair, players are given the opportunity to buy and sell sows and boars. The Pig Fair is a place where players can trade pigs.

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Dragon Fair #

Dragon Fair

At the Dragon Fair, players can participate in the trade of ancient reptiles - dragons. The Dragon Fair provides an opportunity for players to buy and sell dragons, which are unique animals that can provide a variety of in-game benefits.

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Poultry Market #

Poultry Market

At the Chicken Farm Fair, players have the opportunity to buy and sell chicken farms, which allow them to breed and produce poultry. It is important to remember that in order to purchase a chicken farm, a clone must own real estate.

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Peacock Fair #

Peacock Fair

At the Peacock Fair, players have the opportunity to sell and buy peacocks. This is a place where players are given the opportunity to exchange these animals, expand their farms and develop new gaming strategies.

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Stud bulls #

Stud bulls

The state farm has a bull rental function. This feature allows players to effectively use each other’s resources and animals.

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Producer boars #

Producer boars

In the game on the state farm, there is a function for renting stud boars. The principle of operation is similar to leasing stud bulls.

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State farm income #

When selling seeds, superfeed, as well as when selling and mating animals on the state farm, a part of the funds in the form of a commission is transferred to the income of the state farm. These royalties are further sent to various game funds and are used for the development of the gaming world, player support and other purposes.

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