Long term facilities

Long term facilities #

Long term facilities

Long-term construction projects include:

Conditions of employment #

A clone whilling to get a job as a construction worker must meet the following requirements:

  • Have the social status of a craftsman or higher.
  • Have a stamina rating of at least 0.

Attention! A clone cannot quit a given job earlier than 24 hours from the moment of employment.

There are additional requirements for builders of megalithic structures (aqueduct, baths, great warrior complex):

If a clone wants to get a job as a builder at the “Repair of a protective wall” project, he must live in the principality where this wall is located.

A clone will NOT be able to get a job as a builder if he:

  • Already working as a builder on another long-term project.
  • He himself is the owner of any long-term construction project.
  • Works in gold mines in settlements.

Work as a builder can be combined with work at any other public or private enterprises. The work does not require any tools or accessories; the owner of the facility under construction provides the builders with everything they need.

Attention! To work as a builder, a clone needs stamina (in addition to its normal daily consumption). The clone will spend stamina even if the construction site is idle due to lack of building material (due to the owner’s fault). In this case, salaries will be paid as usual. If a clone does not have enough stamina and its indicator drops below 0, the clone will be immediately fired from the construction site.

The consumption of stamina per day depends on the type of construction, as well as on whether the clone lives on the territory of the principality or settlement in which the construction is taking place.

When constructing various buildings, a clone spends stamina:

  • Principality construction: 1 unit of stamina/day.
  • Construction of any object in the principality, without living on the territory of this principality: 1.5 units of endurance/day.
  • Construction of any object in the principality, with residence on the territory of this principality: 1 unit of endurance/day.
  • Construction of any object in a settlement, without living on the territory of this settlement: 1.5 units of endurance/day.
  • Construction of any object in a settlement, with residence on the territory of this settlement: 1 unit of endurance/day.
  • Repairing a wall in the principality: 5 units of stamina/day.

Work and remuneration procedures #

To get a job, you must submit an application in the “Long-term objects” section (“Work” → “Construction” → “Long-term objects”), option “All constructions”. After this, the clone will be automatically accepted for the position. The opportunity of convenient employment of several your clones at once has been implemented. You cannot resign or withdraw your application if less than 24 hours have passed since it was submitted.

The work involves laying building materials. After employment, the clone works automatically, consuming 1 unit of each type of building material per day (unless a different consumption is indicated for a given type of construction in the description). At checkout time (after 00:00 GMT), daily construction workers receive the salary assigned by the owner. Experience points are not awarded for construction.

The owner of the construction site can set the amount of salary that will be paid at the end of the shift to each worker. In addition, he may limit the maximum number of workers who can simultaneously work on this project under construction. Any builder or candidate for employment can see on the construction page statistics of wages paid, the balance of building material at the construction site and the expected completion date of construction.

Once the salary amount has been set and the required number of workers has been selected, the construction owner can only increase these values; reductions are not allowed. If the owner of the construction site cannot afford to pay the assigned amount, he can completely reset it to zero. In this case, all hired workers will be fired automatically (except for clones belonging to the same account as the clone - the owner of the object under construction). A new salary amount may be assigned only 15 days after the previous one is reset to zero.

Every day, the amount of wages multiplied by the maximum possible number of workers is reserved from the account of the construction owner. At the end of the working day, wages are paid according to the number of clones actually employed, and the excess balance is returned to the owner’s game account. Thus, situations are excluded when payment for work already performed cannot be received. If the required amount cannot be reserved (for example, there are not enough funds in the account), the salary fund is reset to zero and all employees are fired.

The owner of the construction site must independently ensure the availability of the necessary building materials. In the absence of material (at least one of several types), the construction process will stand still. At the same time, all workers at the construction site will be paid wages. Payment of wages will be stopped only if the wage fund decreases to 0.

As soon as the facility is completed, all workers receive a final payment and are automatically dismissed from the commissioned facility. An exception is the repair of the protective wall in the principality: if the siege of the principality continues, then workers will not be fired after the repair is complete and will be able to work on construction after the next damage to the wall.