Short-term contracts

Short-term contracts #

Short-term contracts

Short-term contracts include:

Conditions of employment #

This game module is designed primarily for newbie participants, who can quickly get a job and earn their first gold coins. More experienced and wealthy clones who build their houses pay the labor of the builders.

A clone who wishes to get a job as a real estate builder must meet the following requirements:

  • a clone with the social status of a tramp must have at least 10 experience points (low qualification);
  • a clone with the social status of an artisan must have at least 100 experience points (high qualification) and a stamina rating of at least 0.

The work does not require any tools or accessories; the owner of the facility under construction provides the builders with everything they need.

A clone will not be able to get a job as a builder if he works for:

  • any state enterprise;
  • any private enterprise;
  • gold mines in settlements.

Attention! To work as a builder, a Clone Artisan requires stamina (in addition to its normal daily allowance). The tramp does not require stamina. A clone (except for tramps) spends 0.01 units of stamina to complete one task. When accepting a task, the required amount of stamina is first reserved, and upon completion, it is spent.

Work and remuneration procedures #

The clone takes part in construction, automatically receiving and completing tasks. If your clone has already taken on tasks for servants, then this procedure is familiar to you. The speed of completing a construction task depends on the qualifications of the builder:

  • the tramp completes the task in 1 hour and reduces the total construction time by 1 hour;
  • a craftsman completes the same task 10 times faster (in 6 minutes), also reducing construction time by 1 hour.

To start work, the builder needs to queue up to receive tasks by clicking on the “Get Started” button on the corresponding page:

  • for tramps - in the “Building houses” section (“Work” → “Tramps” → “Building houses”);
  • for craftsmen - in the section “Building houses” (“Work” → “Construction” → “Building houses”).

When tasks appear, they will be automatically issued to builders on a first-come, first-served basis. If, at the time the task is issued, the clone who is in the queue for completing tasks does not meet one of the above requirements (for example, he exchanged experience for special knowledge and the remaining experience became less than 100 or got a job), he skips his turn. When the clone’s social status increases, it is removed from the queue.

Attention! The clone will begin completing tasks a day after being placed in the queue, because he needs time to learn how to perform these types of tasks at the highest level and delight customers with the results of his work.

The clone will work as a construction worker until you fire him. Upon the task completion, the employee receives payment and waits for a new task.

Tramps can receive only one task at a time.

Craftsmen can receive a “pack of tasks” at once - from 1 to 20 tasks at a time, depending on the availability of tasks at the particular time. Accordingly, he will spend a proportionally larger amount of stamina to complete them (let’s say 5 tasks).

For example, the owner of a level 32 house under construction has appointed a wage fund sufficient to complete all the necessary work, and set the cost of completing 1 task: 0.0005 gold coins. A craftsman whose turn to receive tasks has come will receive the maximum possible “pack” of 20 tasks. It will take him 2 hours to complete this job (20 x 5 minutes), cost him 0.2 stamina (20 x 0.01) and he’ll earn 0.01 gold coins (20 x 0.0005).