A security guard job

A security guard job #

A security guard job

Do you want to use your military skills by helping the inhabitants of the land of clones preserve their property (real estate or settlements treasury) from bandit raids?

Well… This is a very laudable desire, but you need to get ready.

Single robbers, as well as gangs, do not sleep in the state of clones. Every day they receive tips on the houses and settlements of wealthy citizens and try to steal the treasury accumulated there. The treasury is replenished daily due to various subsidies, as well as dividends on securities available on the account. The task of the guards of real estate and settlements is to prevent robbery and keep gold coins in the treasury during the day. At the estimated time (after 00:00 GMT), the treasury saved for the previous day is transferred to the game account of the owner of the house or settlement. For their work, the guards receive a decent payment - in proportion to the amount of money in the treasury that they were able to protect.

Conditions of employment #

A clone can get a job in one of the following places:

  • Working as a home security guard.
  • Working as a vigilante in a settlement.
  • Service in the prince’s retinue.

All these types of work cannot be combined with each other. Also, they cannot be combined with activities such as:

To work in security, a clone must have the social status of a craftsman or higher. In addition, by the time of employment, it must have passed at least 24 hours since the previous fight (as a robber or security guard).

To find a job, you need to apply to the desired house, settlement or principality. The property owner can approve or deny your application. Also, at any time, he can fire an already working security guard and hire another one. Settlement owners and princes can enable automatic admission of candidates to the squad.

The clone, in turn, can also withdraw his application or resign from security at any time.

If necessary, the player can hire his own clones as security guards. It’s very easy to do it this way:

  • For real estate, on the “Security and Protection” page (“Investor” → “Real Estate” → “Security and Protection”).
  • For populated areas, on the “Defense” page (“Investor” → “Urban development” → “Defense”).
  • For principalities, on the “Defense” page (“Investor” → “Principalities” → “Defense”).

In order for your clone to appear in the “Own Clones” list of candidates, it must be wearing any type of weapon (melee or firearm) and must not be registered in the tournament.

The better your clone’s military stats, the higher his chances of getting hired!

Security guard characteristics #

Reliable security guards who have sufficient military sills are appreciated. It is also good when a security guard has a military rank (the higher, the better). Read more about combat characteristics in the corresponding section.

Military ranks #

Having a military rank additionally increases military skills of a security guard (only during combat) by a various coefficient.

Table. The influence of military rank on the amount of military skills in battle

RankCoefficient (%)
Second Lieutenant/Cornet/Non-Commissioned Lieutenant1
Staff Captain/Staff Captain/Lieutenant Captain3
Captain/Captain/3rd rank Captain4
Lieutenant Colonel/2nd rank Captain5
Colonel/1st rank Captain6
Major General/Rear Admiral7
Lieutenant General/Vice Admiral8
Field Marshal/Fleet Admiral10

Impact of additional protection system #

Properties and settlements may have additional protection systems built by their owners from black pearls. Such a system (provided it is operational) will further increase the amount of military skills of the guards during combat. For details, see the relevant sections on real estate and urban planning.

For principalities no additional protection system is provided.

Accessories (jewelry that increases stats) #

Jewelry that increases the combat characteristics of clones while wearing them can be produced in your own jewelry workshop.

Such accessories can also be purchased at the fair. You can also sell unwanted jewelry there.

Available product types:

  • Belt.
  • Sling.
  • Diamond vest.
  • Ring of the Great Warrior (increase in military knowledge).
  • Ring of Courage (increases military initiative).

You can equip 1 item for each characteristic at the same time (belt, baldric, diamond vest), as well as up to 8 of any rings. The maximum duration of an item (in days) is equal to its durability. If necessary, the item can be removed. An item’s durability does not decrease if it is simply in inventory or storage.

Belt, baldric, diamond vest: the increase in characteristics affects the clone immediately after putting it on and as long as the item is worn. If you remove the item (or if it expires), this bonus will disappear.

Rings: The stats provided by these accessories are added daily for as long as the ring is worn and are retained by the clone forever.

Artifacts (magical items that increase characteristics) #

In the land of clones, there is another type of magic item, thanks to which a clone can temporarily increase certain knowledge, including knowledge of military affairs. These are artifacts: the warrior’s magic cocked hat, the warrior’s magic brooch, the warrior’s magic cloak, the warrior’s magic wand. Fairy-tale characters will help you get them.

Such artifacts can also be purchased at the fair. There you can also sell unwanted items of this type.

Consumption of kvass #

A clone can drink this wonderful drink in the refectory.

Drinking a bottle of kvass after a battle will give a bonus (your choice): military skills (+10 units) or military initiative (+2 units). After each fight you can drink from 1 to 3 bottles of kvass. You can set up automatic consumption of kvass: in this case, the clone will consume kvass immediately after the end of each battle, before the start of the next one.

Each bottle of kvass can add one unit of special skills except for “criminal authority” and “thief’s luck”. Special skill is selected randomly. The special skills obtained in this way remains with the clone forever.

Kvass can be drunk after each fight in the refectory in the amount of 1 to 3 bottles. You can set up automatic consumption of kvass. In this case, the clone will drink kvass after the end of each battle, including when participating in tournaments.

A clone can also drink kvass to convert Kvass Extra Bonus points into military knowledge. If a clone has “Additional bonus for kvass” points, then each bottle of kvass drunk will add 33 points of military skills.

Combat skills #

In the “Combat Skills” section (“Character” → “Education” → “Combat Skills”), a clone can gain additional combat skills. This or that skill can increase the accuracy of your blow/shot or the damage inflicted on the enemy, or reduce some of the enemy’s indicators. Combat skills will also allow the clone to provide medical assistance to himself or choose a more suitable target to attack in a group battle.

How many combat skills you can gain depends on the clone’s amount of military skills. When mastering combat skills, military skills are not consumed - only their quantity matters: the more military skills, the more combat skills a clone can acquire, and the more serious the influence of these skills. At the same time, the overall assessment of combat skills cannot exceed the amount of military skills the clone has.

Not all skills can be combined with each other.

Your opponent may also have some skills - don’t forget about it.

Please note that almost all skills work only in battles between guards and robbers, in tournaments and duels, but do not work in battles with a common enemy (attacks of princely squads). The exception is the Skilled Sniper skill.

Armament #

Thieves and invaders will not come empty-handed, but with bladed weapons and/or firearms, so arm yourself in advance!

You can buy any weapon in several places:

The following types of weapons are available in Clone Land:

  • Cold weapons (brass knuckles, awl, knife, bayonet, saber, yataghan, katana).
  • Firearms (pistol, fusee, musket, carbine, pair of pistols, light machine gun AB 0614, double-barreled rifle, triple-barreled rifle, sniper rifle).
  • Artillery (howitzer, regimental gun, extended howitzer “unicorn”).
  • Combat fleet (brig, corvette, ship of the line).
  • Dragons.

In security activities, only bladed weapons and firearms are used, as well as dragons - if they have a special amulet. In the service of the princely squad, all types of weapons are used. Additionally, you may need different types of cartridges and cannonballs.

Table. The use of various weapons in security

Characteristics / Weapon typeColdFirearmsArtilleryBattle fleetDragons
Minimum clone statuscraftsmancraftsmanpeasantbourgeoisbourgeois
Application in real estate protection+Salt cartridges requiredif you have a dragon amulet (you can guard the castle in the cave of which this reptile lives)
Application in settlement protection+Salt cartridges required
Application in the princely squad+live cartridges requiredCannonballs requiredCannonballs required+

You can have an unlimited number of weapons in your inventory or storage, but you can only equip one type of firearm and bladed weapon at a time. In this case, an artillery piece or a warship is equated to a firearm. Firearms (if you have the appropriate cartridges and cannonballs) have priority over melee weapons and will be used first.

Each weapon has two characteristics:

  • Durability – The number of hits or shots a weapon can fire.
  • Damage – the minimum and maximum amount of health units that the enemy will lose when hit/shot.

Artillery and navy have additional characteristics:

  • Base Defense - The percentage of damage received by the clone’s health that the weapon will take.

Weapon durability consumption:

  • Each hit with a melee weapon reduces its durability by 1 unit.
  • Each shot of a salt cartridge from a firearm reduces its durability by 1 unit.
  • Each shot fired from a live round or projectile from a firearm reduces its durability by 10 units.

Different types of firearms have different ammo capacity, limiting the number of rounds you can carry into battle. You can purchase cartridges from a trade guild, or make them yourself. This can be done in the “Ammo” section (“Trade” → “Weapon Shop” → “Ammo”). The production of ammunition and gunpowder is available to clones who have completed the Ammunition Handling Course in the Education section. To protect houses and settlements, salt cartridges are required, for service in the princely squad - combat ones.

If you do not have any weapons, you will strike with your fist: in the case of an accurate strike, the enemy will suffer from 5 to 10 points of damage. For punches, even if they were accurate, military knowledge is not awarded.

When the weapon’s durability is completely depleted, the weapon is considered completely worn out and must be replaced with a new one. If your account has storage, you can set up automatic replacement of spent weapons (if you have a working one). The weapon will be replaced after the end of the battle - this is not possible during the battle.

Protective leather clothing #

A clone can wear one leather item - a jacket, vest or cloak, which will reduce the damage inflicted on you by a shot or melee weapon.

Protective clothing can be produced in the workshop of the settlement or principality.

You can buy leather clothes at the fair.

Each item has its own strength and degree of protection. You can read more about this in the corresponding section.

Property security #

Your goal is to preserve the treasury of the guarded house during the day.

Only one security guard can work in each house. Thieves also always come alone.

Thieves may receive a tip to a particular house. The tip indicates the size of the gold coins (treasury) they might steal.

A house can be subject to a certain number of robberies every 24 hours (but not less than one robbery) depending on the level of the house:

N=L/10N = L/10

The following variables are used in the above formula:

NNnumber of robberies per day
LLhouse level

The fractional number of robberies is rounded according to the rules of mathematics. For example, 1 attack is possible on a house on the 14th level, and 2 attacks on a house on the 15th level.

The beginning and end of a 24-hour period do not coincide with the beginning and end of a calendar day. The start time of a new period is chosen randomly for each house. Thus, in a given calendar day, a house may be subject to more attacks, but they will be in different 24-hour periods.

When heading for a robbery, the robbers take with them gold coins in the amount of 50% of the treasury of the protected object.

If the attack is successfully repelled, the guard will take the unlucky thief’s gold and:

  • 20% – will be given to the owner of the house.
  • 80% - he will take it as a reward for his work.

In case of a successful theft, the thief takes with him the entire accumulated treasury of the object.

If the guard has low “military initiative” and the thief has high “thief’s luck”, the thief has a high chance of stealing from an object undetected. In this case, the robbery will take place “without noise and dust.” So don’t forget to develop your characteristics!

The battle #

In order to enter battle, a clone must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a health indicator of at least 10 units.
  • Have a stamina rating of at least 0.

If at least one of these requirements is not met, the guard automatically loses the battle.

If a clone guard participates in any tournament, and a raid on a house is carried out right at the time of the tournament battle, then the guard does not participate in protecting the object, since he is busy at the tournament.

The guard, like the robber, can fight as long as his health is greater than or equal to 10 units. If the health indicator drops below 10, the participant is considered incompetent and drops out of the battle. The second party is declared the winner. If the guard has the special “Last Chance” skill, and the enemy has little health left, then he can still emerge victorious in this battle.

If there is a firearm, fire is fired from it first. Opponents fire their firearms until they run out of ammo or weapon durability, and as long as one of them is incapacitated. If you have the Ninja skill and ammo, clones with melee weapons can also continue fighting against clones armed with firearms until they run out of ammunition.

Without firearms or ammo, the guard or thief uses bladed weapons or fists. But this will only happen after the enemy runs out of ammo.

The fight with edged weapons or fists continues until one of the sides wins.

Security of settlements #

Your goal is to preserve the treasury of the guarded settlement for 24 hours.

The settlement is attacked by a gang, which can include either a lone robber or several bandits at once. The settlement squad may also include several guards. The maximum number of squad members depends on the type of settlement:

  • Estate: no more than 3 guards and no more than 3 robbers.
  • Village: no more than 10 guards and no more than 10 robbers.
  • City: no more than 25 guards and no more than 25 robbers.
  • Megapolis: no more than 50 guards and no more than 50 robbers.

Gangs of robbers receive a tip on a particular settlement. It indicates the number of gold coins (the treasury size) that they can steal.

The beginning and end of a 24-hour period do not coincide with the beginning and end of a calendar day. The start of a new period is chosen randomly for each settlement. Thus, during the current calendar day, a settlement of any development level may be subject to more than 3 attacks, but they will relate to different 24-hour periods.

When going on a heist, each gang carries a sum of money equal to 50% of the current size of the treasury they are trying to steal. If the squad successfully repelled the attack, these funds go as ransom to the squad and the settlement owner.

The ransom is divided in the following proportions:

  • 20% goes to the owner of the settlement.
  • 80% is divided among all guards who participated in the battle, in proportion to the amount of military skills (taking into account the coefficient of military rank, if any).

If the theft is successful, the thieves will take the entire accumulated treasury of the object.

Robberies of settlements “without noise and dust” are not provided for.

Black Pearl #

A representative of the military department can, at his discretion, reward the winning guards with black pearls. He determines the quantity of pearls at his own discretion. There are rumors that the military department representative is paying attention to the guard’s equipment. He is hardly impressed by the skill of the guards with brass knuckles. However, he is more willing to share pearls with guards who are skilled in more professional types of weapons, especially firearms.

Fight “Squad versus gang” #

When a settlement is attacked, a battle ensues between a squad of guards and a gang of robbers.

The battle follows general rules, with some features:

  • Participants in the battle attack in order of decreasing number of military initiative units, without taking into account the side (thieves or guards).
  • The shot/strike is made at a randomly selected enemy (if there are no combat skills that determine a different choice of target).
  • If a clone fires several shots in a row (say, from a three-barreled shotgun), then each shot is considered separate and is fired at a randomly selected enemy.
  • If one of the squad members does not have enough stamina or health, he does not take part in the battle.
  • The battle ends when one of the sides has no participants left with a health indicator of 10 units or higher.

Battle Economics #

Since “Golden Clone” is primarily an economic simulator, when deciding on the armament and equipment of a clone - security guard, calculate the economic effect of the security.

Let’s consider such an example.

Each piece of weapon, ammunition and protective clothing has its own price. Let us assume that the market situation is such that you have purchased all the necessary goods at a nominal price.

If your clone guard is armed with a sniper rifle, he, of course, has a much better chance to defend the treasury than a guard with a saber or brass knuckles.

To defeat a robber with 100 health points, the guard will need to fire at least 2 shots. Let’s do the math.

The cost of a sniper rifle is 30 gold coins. With a durability of 10,000 shots, one shot of a salt cartridge, which reduces the weapon’s durability by 1 unit, costs 0.003 gold. Also, one salt cartridge costs 0.0054 gold.

Thus, in an ideal situation, if your clone only has to make two accurate shots to win (he will never miss, the enemy will not wear serious protection), then the cost of this victory will be 2 x (0.003 + 0.0054) = 0. 0168 gold coin.

If the house’s treasury is larger than this value, then protecting it is probably worth the expense. But is it worth incurring such expenses in order to save the treasury of a small house, the size of 0.002 gold? Maybe it’s worth taking a simpler and cheaper weapon?

Of course, you can, for reasons of principle, place strong warriors in every house and every settlement, so as not to allow anyone even the thought of robbing you.

Think, calculate and make your decisions!