
Shelter #


The shelter was created for residents of the land of clones who need help. Here a clone of the social status of a tramp can receive shelter and livelihood.

Conditions of employment #

Clones of the social status of peasant and higher can work at the shelter.

To get a job, your clone must spend a certain amount of gold coins, resources and points of prudence.

A clone does not require a working tool to operate.

A clone can only hold one position in a given enterprise. Work at the shelter can be combined with work at other state-owned enterprises (except for the meat factory).

While working at this facility, the clone consumes one point of stamina per day. In the case when a clone works simultaneously at different state-owned enterprises, the stamina consumption is summed up. A clone who does not have enough stamina to perform the duties will receive a reprimand in lieu of pay. Having received reprimands in this position for three consecutive days, he will be fired.

At any time, the clone can resign of his own free will. When leaving a position, spent resources, gold coins and prudence are not returned.

Wage #

The salary of all shelter employees is paid daily at the sheduled time (after 00:00 GMT) in one part - the additional bonus.

Also, your clone will be awarded experience units daily, their number depends on the position occupied.

Detailed information for each position can be seen on the company page by hovering over the position name.

Additional bonus #

Shelter workers can receive bonuses. If any day the bonus amount is less than the minimum payout (0.0001 gold coin), then that day the clone will not receive the bonus.

Every day the state transfers to the shelter’s award fund:

  • 0.01 gold coin for each tramp who turns to the shelter for shelter.

At the sheduled time, the shelter’s premium fund accumulated over the previous day is paid in three parts:

  • 50% of the fund goes equally to all sisters of mercy.
  • 30% of the fund is divided equally between all building managers.
  • 20% of the fund goes equally to all managers.

Number of jobs and promotions #

The number of jobs at the enterprise is fixed and does not change.

During a working day, one or more of the already occupied positions may become vacant (if a clone resigns of his own free will or is fired for other reasons). In this case, the company will display vacant positions available for employment.

In order to get a higher position, your clone must meet the following requirements:

  • Have the required social status (or higher).
  • Have enough common sense, gold coins and resources.
  • Quit my previous job at the shelter.

When leaving a position, spent resources, gold coins and prudence are not returned.

There is no automatic promotion at the shelter.

If your clone takes a position, he will work at it until he quits or is fired due to lack of stamina.