Meat factory #
Clones of any social status can work at the meat factory. Tramp clones can work as slaughterers, receiving experience points for their work, and clones can occupy paid positions, starting with the status of a craftsman.
Conditions of employment #
To work, the clone requires a working tool:
- cutting knife (for the foreman);
- feather and barn lock (for the manager).
To work as a slaughterer or butcher, no working tools are required.
A clone can only hold one position in a given enterprise.
At this enterprise, there are two types of employment: performing tasks with piecework pay (slaughterers, butchers) and permanent work with a daily salary plus additional bonuses (foremen, managers).
Completing tasks #
To receive assignments as a slaughterer, a clone must meet the following requirements:
- have the social status of “tramp” - Clones of higher statuses cannot perform slaughterer tasks;
- be the only clone on the account;
- have at least 1 unit of butcher’s skills.
To receive assignments as a butcher, a clone must meet the following requirements:
- have a social status not lower than of a craftsman;
- have at least 20 units of butcher’s skills.
Butcher’s skills can be acquired by exchanging experience, prudence or charisma for it in the “Attribute Exchange” section (“Character” → “Education” → “Characteristics Exchange”).
The number of butcher’s skills units cannot be increased with any magical artifacts!
Once queued for tasks, a clone can receive the first task not earlier than 24 hours after being hired.
Career advancement in these positions is not possible. The clone gets a position upon receiving the task and returns to the queue upon its completion and getting payroll.
The number of tasks which a clone can complete per day is unlimited.
A slaughterer completes one task for 15 minutes, a butcher for 1 hour.
Work as a butcher cannot be combined with work in other public or private enterprises.
Working as a butcher does not consume stamina.
Full time job #
Artisans and clones of higher status can get permanent jobs, starting with the position of foreman. If its characteristics meet the conditions of employment for a higher position, the clone will be transferred to it automatically.
While working at this enterprise as a manager or foreman, the clone consumes one unit of stamina per day. A clone who does not have enough stamina to perform the duties will receive a reprimand in lieu of pay. Having received reprimands in this position for three consecutive days, he will be fired.
At any time, the clone can resign of his own free will.
Attention! Work as a foreman and manager at a meat factory cannot be combined with work at other state or private enterprises!
Wage #
Depending on their position, meat factory workers will receive different salaries:
- for each completed task, the slaughterer will receive 0.0001 gold coins;
- The cost of each task for a butcher is determined by his qualifications, which, in turn, depends on the number of butcher knowledge units the clone has.
Table. The required amount of butcher skills to qualify as a butcher and the amount of remuneration for each completed task
Qualification | Amount of skills, units. | Reward, gold |
Student | 20 | 0.0005 |
Journeyman | 100 | 0.001 |
Master | 200 | 0.002 |
Virtuoso | 300 | 0.003 |
Butchers and slaughterers are paid for a task immediately upon completion.
Salaries for foremen and managers of the meat factory are paid daily at scheduled time (after 00:00 GMT) in two parts:
- permanent salary (the amount depends on the position) + daily company bonus;
- additional bonus.
A clone holding the position of a foreman or manager will receive experience points daily, their number depends on the position held.
Detailed information for each position can be seen on the company page by hovering over the position name.
Additional bonus #
In addition to the salary, meat factory workers (foremen and managers) can receive awards. The size of the bonus depends on the amount of butcher skills the clone has. The more units of this special knowledge a clone has, the higher his bonus will be. If the amount of knowledge is not enough to receive the minimum payout (0.0001 gold coin), then the clone will not receive a bonus that day.
Butcher’s skills can be acquired by exchanging experience, prudence or charisma for it in the “Attribute Exchange” section (“Character” → “Education” → “Characteristics Exchange”).
Every day, the state creates the meat factory bonus fund, into which 30% of the fee for cutting each animal carcass for meat is transferred.
The following payments are made from this fund:
- 10% of the fund - instantly goes to the fund for slaughterers tasks payments;
- 30% of the fund - instantly goes to the fund for butchers tasks payments;
- 30% of the fund - paid simultaneously with the salary to all foremen in proportion to the amount of each clone’s butcher skills;
- 30% of the fund - paid simultaneously with the salary to all managers in proportion to the amount of each clone’s butcher skills.
If the fund for slaughterers or butchers is at some point exhausted, then the issuance of tasks for this category of employees stops until money appears in the fund.
Number of jobs and promotions #
Each position has a different number of job openings. This amount is calculated according to the following rules:
- the number of jobs (simultaneously performed tasks) for the position of a slaughterer is limited and equal to 1000;
- the number of jobs (simultaneously performed tasks) for a butcher position is limited and equal to 1000;
- the number of jobs for the position of foreman is not limited;
- There is 1 manager for every 10 foremen.
Changes in the number of jobs, transfer of workers from position to position occur at the scheduled time (after 00:00 GMT).
Also, during the working day, one or more of the already occupied positions may become vacant (if the clone resigns of his own free will or is fired for other reasons). In this case, the company will display available places.
If there are not enough lower-level employees, the vacancy for a management position will be closed at the scheduled time. In this case, the employee with the least amount of butcher skills will be transferred to a lower position.
To occupy the position of manager, your clone must meet the following requirements:
- have the necessary social status (or higher);
- work as a foreman;
- have more butcher skills than the clone ranked last among managers.
If these conditions are met, at the end of the working day, your clone will be promoted to position, and the clone who previously occupied it will be demoted to a lower level.
Note that promotions can occur even when a clone lacks the tools needed to work at a higher position. In this case, the clone will be promoted, but due to the lack of a tool, he will not be able to perform his duties and will receive a corresponding reprimand.
A clone’s higher social status does not increase the chance of obtaining a higher position. It only determines the opportunity to occupy a particular position. Promotion is affected only by the level of specialized knowledge.